Call of the Koel
1. 1. The loudmouth bellbird (but
not the loudest):
Last year I read about the bellbird, one of
the loudest birds: 125 decibels (dB), is what the authors said [1,2].
Naturally I wanted to know more. It turned out that the bellbird wasn’t the
world champ, anyway [3], being stuck in the No.3 spot. The bird on the
topmost perch is the conure at 155 dB.
Podos and Cohn-Haft [3] wonder how –
and why - the female bellbird puts up with this ear-splitting sound/noise. The
authors state: “Presumably these risks are offset by the benefits females gain
is assessing prospective mates.” On the
other hand, the energetic costs of producing this sound must also be
considerable. But that’s the way evolutionary arms races (as proposed by
Richard Dawkins [4]) spiral upwards.
It reminds me of Zahavi’s handicap theory [5],
which is controversial, and was inspired (among other things, probably) by the
peacock’s beautiful, but rather unwieldy, tail. (Obviously, it hinders the
peacock if it has to escape a predator, so Zahavi concluded it was an ‘honest’
signal of the fitness of the peacock).
It’s also described as LAM (known to
parents when their kid, on a bicycle, yells: “Look At Me! No hands!”).
2. 2. Weber-Fechner law:
Another way of looking at it is to recall the
Weber-Fechner law [6]. Fechner applied this to human perception of a
stimulus (anything you see, hear, taste, smell or feel by touch).
Fechner’s law is expressed in terms of the
intensity of the stimulus S and the Just-Noticeable-Difference (JND)(the smallest amount by which a stimulus can be changed and be
detected by an individual) and K is a constant (the
Weber fraction):
K = (JND)/S
Of course, the JND varies from one
individual to the next. This can be understood as the change in the stimulus
(dS) that is perceived is proportional to the stimulus S itself:
K = dS/S
Weber-Fechner law thus says that our sensory response is logarithmic. For
example, the eye can perceive light from as little as a few photons per second
to as many as 10^20 photons per cm2 per second, but the
maximum tolerable laser intensity depends upon exposure time [7].
Similarly, the ear can respond over a wide
range of pressures.
And the same logarithmic response would
apply to birds. But there’s a limit:
when the intensity of light is so much as to be blinding or the sound shatters
your eardrums, or maybe just causes temporary blindness or deafness (130 dB for
people). I’m not sure about the poor female bellbird…
The logarithmic dependence is usually
written as:
I 20 log(R)
For sound, it depends upon the distance
from the source of the sound [8], decreasing by 6 dB when the distance
is doubled (that follows from the above equation), treating it as a point
source. The issue of sound attenuation with distance is discussed in more
detail later.
The loudest recorded noise: when Krakatoa
blew its top it generated 180 dB as measured a distance 160 kms away [9]!
So that would be 186 dB 80 kms away, 192 dB at 40 kms, etc.
3. 3. Decibels? What happened to
As an aside, the unit has history [10]:
it started as the bel, to honour Alexander Graham Bell. But one-tenth of the
bel – the decibel – was connected to both telephony and audiology [11]
“The dB (a 10th of a Bel) was derived from the attenuation of a
signal transmitted along a mile of telephone cable. The dB was linked with
audiology from the beginning because this mile of attenuation was considered
the smallest amount of signal change that the average listener could detect.”
But Britannica puts it slightly differently [12]: The unit decibel is used because a one-decibel difference in
loudness between two sounds is the smallest difference detectable by human
Back to the birds –
and other loudmouths:
Even at 4 metres from the male, say Podos
& Cohn-Haft [3] the peak decibels the female bellbird is subjected
to would still be 113 dB. Maybe it helps if the exposure time to each chirp (more
like a screech!) is reduced?
For the male bellbird, if it ups the ante
by 6 dB, its coverage area goes up to 4X the initial value. That is, three
times the initial number of mates – as well as predators! – is added on (on
And to get to the insect world, the loudest
(known) is the African cicada [13]:
“The African cicada, Brevisana
brevis (Homoptera: Cicadidae) produces a calling song with a mean
sound pressure level of 106.7 decibels at a distance of 50cm. “
At the other end, the loudest animal as you
may guess is the sperm whale [14] according to one website: it reaches 230 dB! Some others: the pistol shrimp (189 dB), the
blue whale (188 dB), the Northern Pacific right whale (182 dB), the Atlantic
spotted dolphin (163 dB at 1 metre distance), the bottlenose dolphin (163 dB),
the North Atlantic right whale (150 dB). Anyway, this list has 15 animals… and
yes, the bellbird is on it. But note the common rooster averages 130 dB (an
excellent alarm clock), while one fine specimen hit 136 dB. But one omission in
this list is the conure (155 dB) , although the screaming piha shows up at 116 dB.
Back to fish, briefly [15]:
A study was published
in PNAS (Feb.2024) of a small fish in Myanmar’s shallow but murky mountain
streams, the one inch long Danionella cerebrum,
(in the minnow and carp family) that can produce sounds can produce
sounds of over 140 decibels at a distance of 10 - 12 mms - louder than an airplane taking off as
perceived by human ears at a distance of 100 metres.
5. 5. Why
the koel?
Anyway, I am not about to get into an
expedition into the jungles of the Brazilian Amazon to suss out the bellbird.
So, I decided to get a reality check with a local bird, the koel.
Nor do I have a calibrated sound level
meter (SLM). (Podos & Cohn-Haft [3] used a Larson Davis Sound
Advisor 831C). All I’ve got is an iPhone 13 on which I downloaded a NIOSH SLM
“The first time I got 77 dB from a koel.
I got a few readings on 15th May
2023: 78, 81,83 dB.
On another day: 79,81 and 87.”
One minor hassle that occurred in my
scientific endeavour was that my daughter observed me going from one park to
the next, and told her friends that I had finally gone cuckoo. I did go around
the bend a bit, trying to locate some elusive koel. And it was really difficult
when I heard one koel to the right and one to the left, because they really
rather made a Burridan’s ass of me. I thought the birds were just mocking me! Frankly,
I was ready to koel a mockingbird! (Just kidding, of course).
Localization accuracy (i.e. terms of
finding the direction to the sound source) – for humans - is 1° for sound sources in front of you, and 15° for sources to the sides [16]. No wonder these two sidewinder
koels were untraceable… and even the others were also tough to find.
Fair warning: Trying to answer a few questions, I’m afraid, I got into a bit of
a rabbit hole…
So, a lot of the following sections (6to
23) are about some of the basics of audiology. They have not been
reviewed by any audiologist since I don’t know any. References are, of course,
given – but some errors may have crept in anyway, if I misunderstood something.
6. 6. Here we go…
“Localizing sounds in
the horizontal dimension (i.e., judging whether a sound is to our right or our
left) involves detecting Interaural Time and Level Differences (ITD and ILD,
respectively). That is, we judge a sound to be in the right hemifield
because it reaches the right ear earlier and louder than the left ear (and vice
versa). ITDs and ILDs are predominantly used to localize sounds with
frequencies below and above 1500 Hz, respectively.” [17]
(‘interaural’: means ‘between the two ears’).
According to the quizlet [18]
ITD: difference in time
between a sound arriving at one ear as compared with the other
ILD: difference in sound
pressure (and thus the intensity of the sound) arriving at one ear as compared
with the other. ILD is maximum at 0° and 180°, and zero at angles 90°
(directly into the right ear) and -90°(directly into the left ear).
1. 7. ITD: [19]
Fig.1 (from [21])
Fig.3 [19] (from Ch.12: “Sound
Localization and the Auditory Scene”)
“The ear can detect a time difference as
slight as 30 microseconds and smaller differences through training (as low as
10 µs). The maximum time lag for sound
generated at one side of the head is around 0.6 milliseconds (see diagram
“Sounds heard with both ears may be
called diotic, whereas those heard independently by each ear
are called dichotic.” If the sounds can’t be heard at all, you risk
being called idiotic [20]
(Figure from: [19] )
(from [21].
1. 8. ILD:
Fig.6 (Figure from [21])
The head masks
sounds (except for those with empty heads!), and the resultant shadow effect
reduces the intensity of sounds especially at higher frequencies. For
wavelengths shorter than the diameter of the head, acoustic energy is reduced
by reflection and absorption. The result is that the ipsilateral ear (closer to
the sound source) experiences higher sound intensity than the contralateral ear
(farther from the sound source). The lowest frequency at which the shadow
effect occurs is approximately: f = c/hd, where c = 343 m/s is the
speed of sound at 20 °C, and hd
= 0.175 m is the average human head diameter [22]. This gives 1960 Hz. The magnitude of ILD is
given by:
ILD = 0.18 [f
sin (α)]1/2, where α is the azimuth angle.
That is, the
more lateral the incidence angle, the greater the ILD.
Under optimal
conditions, the human ear can detect differences in ILD as low as 0.5 dB [22].
The fact that
ILD increases its dominance as frequency increases is shown in the following
graph (from [19]):
Fig.7 (from [19])
equation for ILD [23] – also referred to as Interaural Intensity
Difference (IID):
= 20 log[ (D + d)/D]
D is the distance from the sound source to the nearer ear, and d is the interaural
path difference (0.75 ft, i.e. 20 cms).
(Figure from [21])
dominates at low frequencies below 1,000 Hz; ILD dominates at high frequencies
(above 1,500 Hz) (J.Blauert 1997 & Lois Loiselle)
[24, 25]
Fig.9 (from [22])
“The Fig.9 shows the frequency: ITD
('arrival time') works best at low frequencies, and ILD ('loudness') and HRTF
('external ear') work best at high frequencies. Together, they do a nice job
for all frequencies.” Clearly, in the overlap region (roughly 1,000 to 3,000
Hz), the inaccuracy increases and our brains have a tougher time in integrating
information from these two sets of angular localization data [26].
MAAs and MAMAs:
This gets back to the minimum audible angle
(MAA) which is the Just Noticeable Difference (JND) mentioned earlier: 1° straight ahead and 15° at the
sides. The following graph, of MAA vs azimuth angle and frequency, is from
Parvaneh [27], but due to Mills [28]:
Fig.10 (from [27], [28])
Particularly at high azimuth angles, MAA
increases. Further, in the ITD-ILD overlap frequency range 1,000-3,000 Hz, MAA
goes up, to a greater extent as the azimuth angles increases.
The variation of MAA with azimuthal angle
is nonlinear, with the best sensitivity at midline (1°) and worst laterally (around 10°) – in experiments done both on humans and barn owls (Smith &
Price 2014) [29].
Incidentally, the MAA refers to static
sound sources. For moving sound sources, please refer to MAMA (minimum
auditory moving angle) (Xuan Zhong thesis) [30] Most studies suggest
that MAMAs are larger than MAAs (Middlebrooks Ch.6 UC Irvine) [31], if
there is no specific mechanism to detect the motion of a sound source.
According to another dissertation [Wessenyi] [32], MAMAs can be
determined as a function of velocity of the sound source – but the brain cannot
perceive velocity: subjects make discriminations based on distance. Both MAAs
and MAMAs are optimal for frequencies either below 1,000 Hz or above 3,000 -
4,000 Hz. The two minima of MAA are (as in the Figure by Mills [28]):
between 250 Hz and 1,000 Hz
between 3,000 – 6,000 Hz
The greatest detail on MAMAs is in a US
Army and Air Force monographs [29,
30] [Letkowski, Elias]: MAA is the detection threshold for location,
while MAMA is the detection threshold for motion. MAMA is usually larger than
MAA, by about a factor of 2X – assuming the same sound source and the same
initial direction, and is independent of the direction of motion. MAMAs are U-shaped functions of velocity,
with optimum resolution at:
8-16 degrees/sec in the
horizontal plane
7-10 degrees/sec in the
vertical plane
MAA directly in front of the listener is as
small as 1°, and at an azimuth
of 90° can be as large as 40° for certain sounds [30]. The corresponding MAMAs are 1-3° at 0° azimuth, and 7-10° at 90° azimuth [30]
i.e. at the sides.
I remember reading this point being made by Feynman in one of his lectures or books, but I have been unable to trace the reference (I even tried an open-source AI for help!). The statement Feynman made is that a cricket or a bird will choose to emit sounds or alarm calls in this frequency range so that a predator would not be able to locate it. But the middle of this frequency range depends upon the radius of the predator’s head hr: the wavelength (332/f) should be close to hr.
Fig.11 (Figure from [27]).
10. Rayleigh’s Duplex theory:
The explanation of the low frequency and
high frequency regions for ITD and ILD respectively is due to Lord Rayleigh,
assuming the ‘spherical head model’ (SHM), which is referred to as the duplex
theory. Note that it is valid for pure tones, but the situation is more complex
for broadband sounds [29] (Smith & Price 2014). ITDs can be used for
localization of sounds even at higher frequencies – but their contribution at
higher frequencies is very small.
(powerpoint slide from University College
London (UCL) lectures on Binaural Hearing) [35].
“In the case of complex sounds, the ITD of
the envelope (slow modulation) of the high frequencies can be perceived. This
is known as the interaural envelope time difference.” (Lorenzi et al) [36].
equation for ITD and the figure from which it is obtained [27]:
Fig.12 (from [27])
This is also called the Woodsworth model
(no relation to the poet). However, the Wikipedia entry [37] just
ignores the first term for simplicity.
The smallest detectable ILD is about 0.5 dB,
independent of frequency [27]. The near-field ILD may be 15 dB, while
the far-field ILD is 5-6 dB.
“The Woodworth model
is a frequency-independent, ray-tracing model of a rigid spherical head that is
expected to agree with the high-frequency limit of an exact diffraction model.
The predictions by the Woodworth model for antipodal ears and for incident
plane waves are here compared with the predictions of the exact model as a
function of frequency to quantify the discrepancy when the frequency is not
high.” The Woodworth model gives a good estimate for frequencies above 1.5 kHz;
below that the complete diffraction model is required [38] (by Neil Aaronson and William Hartmann).
Head-related transfer
function (HRTF):
Fig.9 (from [26]) also includes the third
system (apart from timing and intensity) used by humans: the head-related transfer function (HRTF) - whose
accuracy increases as the frequency increases. This utilizes reflections from
the shoulders, the complex shape of the head and the pinna of the ear to glean
more information about the direction of the sound source [23]:
pinna: the folds of the outer
ear act as a comb filter, creating delayed replications of the incoming sound
signal, greatly improving localization of sound sources, especially of vertical
the head creates a shadow that
greatly increases IIDs (ILDs), especially at high frequencies, where they can
go as high as 20 dB
upper torso causes reflections
It is a monaural system and the brain
learns to interpret the filter function due to the complex shape of the ear - that
varies a lot from one individual to another – so an ‘average’ HRTF can be
defined, but better results are obtained with personalized filter functions.
Localization in the vertical
plane (determining elevation of sound source):
“Time delays of reflections from the ridges
of the pinna. The first chart (left) shows the delays (in microseconds) caused
by reflections from the inner pinna ridge which determine front-back directions
in the horizontal plane. The other chart (right) shows delays from the outer
pinna rim which are important in determining elevation in the vertical plane.
The measurements were made on a 5x scale model and reduced to human pinnae size
(after Batteau and Plante, from A.W. Mills,
"Auditory Localization", in J.V. Tobias, ed., Foundations of
Modem Auditory Theory, Academic Press, 1972, vol. 2, p.337, used
by permission).” [40].
“The ability to localize a sound in a
vertical plane is often attributed to the analysis of the spectral composition
of the sound at each ear. In fact, the sound waves arriving at the ears have
rebounded from structures such as the shoulders or pinnae, and these rebounds
interfere with the direct sound as it enters the ear canal. This interference
causes spectral modifications, reinforcements (spectral peaks) or deterioration
(spectral gaps) in certain frequency zones which allow the localization of a
sound source in the vertical plane.
Along the course of life, a multitude of
transfer functions are learnt, which correspond to different directions for
sound sources. These memorized filters are used to reweight the sound spectrum
and are used to disambiguate the location of sounds in the cone of confusion
(discussed below).
“This diagram (from J. Garas) shows the
spectral modification of the original sound wave in function of the azimuth of
the source (from top to bottom: -10°, 0°, 10°). It is apparent that the
spectral gap moves from left to right.”
Note: the diagram from Garas is not shown
here; please check Lorenzi’s website [36].
The localization
of the source in the vertical plane remains less precise than in the horizontal
plane [36].
“By varying the spectral contrast of
broadband sounds around the 6–9 kHz band, which falls within the human pinna’s
most prominent elevation-related spectral notch, we here suggest that the
auditory system performs a weighted spectral analysis across different
frequency bands to estimate source elevation.” [41] (Bahram Zonooz
et al).
More about HRTF after the next topic.
Estimating distance of sound
Monaural cues are important in estimating
distance and “is much easier for familiar sounds” (Risoud et al) [22].
But generally close distances tend to be overestimated and long distances
“The frequency spectrum of a sound source
varies with distance due to absorption effects caused by the medium high
frequency attenuation is particularly important for distance judgments for
larger distances (greater than approximately 15 m) but is largely uninformative
for smaller distances.” [40].
“Higher frequencies are attenuated by a greater amount when the sound source is to the rear of the listener as opposed to the front of the listener. In the 5 kHz to 10 kHz frequency range, the HRTFs of individuals can differ by as much as 28 dB. High frequency filtering is an important cue to sound source elevation perception and in resolving front-back ambiguities.” [42].
The Cone of Confusion:
However, I soon found that there is
something called the ‘cone of confusion’ [43]:
“All of the points on the cone of confusion
have the same interaural level difference (ILD) and interaural time difference
(ITD).” (This is so confusing, it’s more like a zone-of-confusion!) Anyway, the diagram below (from Reddit [43]),
shows that the ear cannot distinguish sounds coming from the front (D) and
those from behind (C ), or sounds coming from above (A) from those coming
nearer the ground (B). But, most likely as an evolutionary adaptation, the
default assumption the brain makes is that the source of the sound is behind
you (since we don’t have a backup system of eyes in the back of our heads!
“We speculate that our brains build a
representation of the space based on the reliability of sensory stimuli in
those spaces. This could explain the greater number of front-to- back errors,
suggesting that, when stimuli are not visible and auditory information is
useless, back space becomes more salient, because there hearing is the only
sense available to detect stimuli. This pattern could be due to adaptive
mechanisms.” [44].
Fig.14 (from [43])
Fig.15 (Figure from [22])
And, what’s more it’s not really
a cone; it’s approximately a cone:
the set of spatial locations with the same distance difference to the two ears are
located on a hyperbolic surface that is most closely approximated by a cone in the
sound field, also called ‘the cone of confusion’ [30]
i.e. the points of the hyperbolic surface asymptotically approach the cone (see
Figure below):
Fig.16 (from [30])
We’ll get back to the hyperbolic
surface in a bit; but first, we need to find the half-angle of the cone of
confusion. I just found this diagram indicating that the angle depends upon the
value of the ITD [45,46]:
Fig.17 (from [45, 46])
Vassilakis [47] in his
Fig.9.9 makes it clear that the angle of the cone of confusion decreases as the
ITD increases.
Fig.18 (from [47])
This may follow from the Woodworth
equation, neglecting the 1st term (as in [37] (out of sheer
ITD = 600 sin(theta)
(600 microseconds is the maximum
value of ITD for an average head size, as mentioned earlier).
If ITD = 300, theta = 30° and
150° → half-angle of cone of confusion αc = 60°
If T= 520, theta = 60° and 120°
→ half-angle of cone of confusion αc = 30°
15. Mere hyperbole:
The hyperbolic surface that Xuan
Zhong [30] discusses is reasonable since any point on either branch of a
hyperbola is equidistant from the two focal points (along the major axis) – in
this case the two ears, with the nose pointing along the minor axis:
Fig.19 (Hyperbola Image from [48])
The equation for a
hyperbola is [49]:
A hyperbola centered at (0, 0) whose transverse
axis is along the x-axis has the following equation in standard
Vertices: (a, 0) and (-a, 0)
Foci: (c, 0) and (-c, 0), where c2 = a2 +
Equation of asymptote lines: y = ±(b/a) x
The slope b/a = tan (αc)
where αc is the half-angle of the cone of confusion and of the asymptotes.
So, in Zhong’s hyperbola, the distance
between two ears is the parameter c, while the slope can be determined from
Woodworth’s formula for a given ITD.
16. Insects hear things
Xuan Zhong [30] also has
a figure explaining the difference between the ITD and ILD:
Fig.20 (From [30]}
These two types of sound cues (ITD
and ILD) are explained in more detail [50], for how insects hear:
“…there are two cues available for detecting the
direction of sound waves. The first is diffraction and the second is the time
of arrival. Both cues require comparisons between two detectors (ears) in
different locations. No matter where an animal’s ears are located, they are
almost always on opposite sides of the body. Diffraction refers to the
bending of waves around an occluding object. Diffraction is heavily
dependent on the size of the occluding object relative to the wavelength of
sounds, and the small size of insect bodies complicates the problem
of sound localization. Significant diffraction occurs when the distance
between the ears is greater than one-tenth of the wavelength of the sound. In
this case, the sound bends around the body, which produces changes in both the
amplitude and the phase of the sound wave arriving at each ear. When the wavelengths
of the sound are very small relative to the size of the head, less diffraction
occurs, which means that the sounds do not bend around the body as readily and
this creates a sound shadow: the ear that is farther from the source receives a
less intense signal that the ear that is nearer to the source. The time of
arrival cue simply results from the fact that the sound must travel farther to
arrive at the more distant of the two ears, so it arrives at the distant ear later
in time.”
For 1 kHz, the wavelength of sound is: 332/1000 =
0.332 metres; and 10% of that is: 3.3 cms. So insects will have problems, and
they solved it in a different way from mammals [50].
Nah, I’m not discussing creepy-crawlies; you want
to know about their unique hearing capability, go look it up [50]!
17. Head-related Transfer Function (HRTF) vs Cone of Confusion:
However, the cone of confusion doesn’t seem to
cause problems in the real world because the HRTF overrides it [27](Parvaneh),
due to the filtering effects of the pinna:
“The pinna of individuals varies widely in size,
shape, and general makeup. This leads to variations in the filtering of the
sound source spectrum, particularly when the sound source is to the rear of the
listener and when the sound is within the 5–10 kHz frequency range.” [42].
FFig.21 (Figure from [21]).
In addition, people can move their heads, sideways
as well as up and down:
“In normal listening environments, humans are
mobile rather than stationary. Head movements are a crucial and natural
component of human sound source localization, reducing front-back confusion and
increasing sound source localization accuracy. Head movements lead to changes in the ITD and
ILD cues and in the sound spectrum reaching the ears. We are capable of
integrating these changes temporally in order to resolve ambiguous situations. Lateral
head motions can also be used to distinguish frontal low frequency sound
sources as being either above or below the horizon.” [42] (Kapralos et al, and many
references therein). In addition, optimal localization is obtained when the
full sound spectrum (1 to 16 kHz) is available, and decreases when the
bandwidth of the sound source decreases.
(from [21])
Fig.21 [21]
shows the distinction between direct energy (from a nearby sound source) and
reverberant energy (from a distant sound source).
So, if you want to locate a bird you need to know
the distance and the direction
Fig.23 (from [22])
1. 18. Blind birding:
This raises an interesting question: could a
visually-challenged person locate a bird using its bird calls? Sounds purely
hypothetical? Well, I found an Audubon website for it! There you go:
Trevor Attenberg [51] talks about
birding-by-ear: he recognizes bird calls and bird songs, plus he probably knows
the habitats of each bird that he identifies. I would guess that the cone of
confusion is not something that any ornithologist bothers about; there are too
many real world cues to use, for them to be concerned about what a lab
audiologist would like to measure. Nevertheless, the problem with MAAs being
worse on the side (Mill’s figure) is probably a real-world effect. I doubt that
a visually challenged person would be as effective at locating a bird in the
bush as a standard person.
Also [52}:
The author complains that birds have perfect
hearing because the hair cells in their cochleas get replaced when they die,
which, unfortunately doesn’t happen to older humans. So, you’re stuck with
hearing aids of varying quality and reliability – until researchers figure out
how to emulate birds… as far as how their hair cells regenerate [53].
2. 19. Hearing of males and females:
A study of five different species of songbirds –
all finches - by Sarah Woolley et al [54] did not find significant differences
between the ‘auditory sensitivities and courtship vocalizations’ of males and
females. Songbirds are most
sensitive in the 2-5 kHz range, and can hear up to 8 kHz. But differences in
vocal acoustics can be very large even in species with similar hearing:
frequency of peak power varies between 2 and 5 kHz, 3 species peaking at low
frequencies and one at high frequencies, with bandwidth varying from 1.7 to 5.6
kHz for different frequencies. However, a lot more research is needed with a
larger number of species.
What is the situation for
humans? The basic hearing apparatus is the same for both sexes, but males are
5X more likely to suffer more from hearing damage than females, with males more
prone to diabetes and heart disease that are correlated with hearing loss. Additionally, men are more likely to work at jobs that damage hearing
(noise-induced hearing loss, NIHL).
In terms of age-related
hearing loss (ARHL), men tend to lose their ‘hearing’
in the higher frequency levels earlier (1 - 4 kHz range) [55] (Koichiro
Wasano et al). For women, hearing loss
generally occurs in the lower frequencies (1 - 2 kHz), so they struggle to hear
lower tones. This would suggest they would have less sensitivity to ITD.
While the anatomy of the ear is the same
regardless of sex, research shows that the way men and women process sounds in
the brain is different. Brain scans while listening show that men listen with
just one hemisphere of their brain (mostly the left hemisphere), while women
use both hemispheres (possibly why they are better at listening than men) [56]
(‘living sounds’), [57] (Science Daily).
“Weight, smoking, and hormone exposure show
varying links with risk of age-related hearing loss, per study of 2,349 males
and females.” Administering estrogen seems to reduce loss of hair cells in the
cochlea and in improving hearing recovery after exposure to noise [58](Y.H.Park).
3. 20. The effect of noise on
20.The cocktail party effect in [59] (Letowski)
and [60] (Smith and Price) is also referred to as the noisy restaurant
problem [61] (Robert Dooling Acoustics Today 2019]. Dooling specifies 3
levels of SNR in human communication in a speech-in-noise situation:
SNR of – 5dB: (i.e. steady
masking noise is 5 dB louder than the speech) so there is a 50% probability of
identifying it as speech
SNR of 5dB: enough for somewhat
strained communication in a noisy restaurant
SNR of 15 dB: required for
unambiguous acoustic communication and the perception of speech
Dooling [61] also mentions the
‘critical ratio’: the threshold SNR at which an animal can just detect a tone
that is just masked by noise that occurs in a band of frequencies around the
signal frequency. These critical ratios have been determined for many species
including humans and 16 species of birds. Dooling adds that for humans the
signal tone should be 20 dB above the masking noise, but birds have worse
hearing: they need 26 dB. This extra 6 dB (extending over the entire sensitive
frequency range) required means that humans can hear songbirds in noise at double
the distance that the birds themselves can detect each other amidst say traffic
or construction noise!
Dooling also points out that mere detection
is not enough. In order to discriminate between two different speakers
(or birds), an additional 2-3 dB is needed. And to actually recognize a
particular sound (like a word), a further top-up of 2-3 dB is required. The SNR
differences between detection, discrimination and recognition are similar for
birds and humans – but so far we are unable to check if the communication
between birds is comfortable. There is a difference between just-noticeable-differences
(JNDs) measured in a lab and just-meaningful-differences that may be
measured in the field. Combining the inverse-square law with attenuation of
sound in the medium of air, one can determine the theoretical maximum distance
at which two birds can communicate. Then one must add on the effect of noise
that reduces this to some lower value depending upon the amount of noise. If
this distance is lower than the diameter of the bird’s territory, the ambient
noise may have serious biological consequences since birds vocalize to defend
their territories, to maintain social relations and to find mates. There is a
difference between permanent-threshold-shift (PTS) and
temporary-threshold-shifts (TTS), but birds generally recover pretty fast from
exposure to high levels of noise (the hair cells in their cochleas regenerate):
canaries and zebra finches recover from even continuous exposure to 120 dB
within a few weeks, while budgerigars have a 10 dB shift even after a few
weeks. However, Beason questions whether continuous exposure to loud noise
could prevent hair cell regeneration in cochleas of birds – a major problem for
people who make systems to warn birds away from airports [62].
The Lombard effect [63] (raising
your voice in a noisy restaurant) applies to birds too: they can raise the dB
of their vocalizations by up to 10 dB.
Another study (of European blackbirds and
great tits) shows that the vocalizing bird can move upwards on their perch by 9
m and get an SNR benefit equivalent to closing the inter-bird distance by 50% -
and the listening bird can get an even greater benefit by moving up [61,
64] (FHWA document). In a coniferous forest, a bird on the ground would
see sound attenuation of 20 dB/m, while a bird 10 metres up would experience
just 5 dB/m attenuation of its vocalization [FHWA doc, 2004].
Recent research has shown that birds hear
birdsong differently from humans: they focus on fine details that humans are
unable to resolve – but these details are more likely to be masked by traffic
noise while humans pay more attention to sequences in communication that are
less likely to be masked completely. The good news for birds is that traffic
noise is mostly at lower frequencies than those of their vocalizations, so the
effect is somewhat less [61], as seen in the Figure below:
Fig.24: (from [61])
However, there are two types of traffic
noise. If we have a few vehicles passing by on a road, they may be each treated
as a point source of sound; by the inverse square law, the noise drops 6 dB
when the distance between the source and the receiver is doubled (as mentioned
earlier). But on a highway, with a steady stream of vehicles, the sound is
better approximated as a line source: the sound intensity drops as the inverse
of the distance and by 3 dB as the distance is doubled. That is, the noise propagates
further [65] (Judith Rochat). So, a highway cutting through a forest
disturbs birds much more than a relatively isolated country road does. There is
another point: while it is true that the peak frequency of traffic noise is at
about 1 kHz and that birds concentrate their vocalization mostly in the 4-8 kHz
range, the level of traffic noise even at 10 kHz can be a pretty substantial 50
dB [Judith Rochat] which, as seen above, can be disruptive.
Note that there is virtually no traffic
noise in Dooling’s graph above at 10 kHz. But Dooling has an escape hatch: the
phrase ‘traffic-noise shaped spectrum’. The apparent contradiction can be
resolved by noting that neither is the traffic density nor the specific
material used to construct the road mentioned. Rochat [65] mentions the
latter – but not the former. The details about traffic density are mentioned in
the 2004 FHWA document [64], along with the effect distance (the
distance over which the effects of traffic noise are significant):
10,000 cars/day: 40 to 1, 500
60,000 cars/day: 70 to 2,800
A main road would see traffic as low as 1,700
to 11,500 car/day while a busy highway has 30,000-40,000 cars/day and an
interstate highway sees 34,000-50,000 cars/day.
A study in the Netherlands by
van der Zande [64] reported that some species avoid rural roads to a
distance of 500-600 metres and busy highways to a distance of 1,600-1,800
A study of passerine bird
species in grasslands near a road with 5,000 cars per day showed a 12-56%
reduction in species within 100 metres of the road.
Raty [64] found a 2/3
reduction in the number of birds up to 250 metres, and some reduction up to 500
metres, in a forest next to a highway with 700-3,000 cars/day.
A highway with 50,000 cars/day
showed a mean noise of 50 dB at 500 metres.
However, one must note that some species do
not seem to be bothered by traffic noise. An obvious example is the ubiquitous
crow that seems to thrive in urban areas [64].
1. 21, Attenuation of sound as a function of distance:
Daniel Yip et al [66] have discussed the
attenuation of sound in both forest and roadside environments.
First, the 6 dB number for a point source is due to
[67], but it follows from the log dependence as mentioned in Sec.2.
Second, the traffic as a line source with 3 dB
attenuation when the distance is doubled was discussed above by Rochat [65]
– but not considered by Yip.
Third, Stokes’s law of sound attenuation [68].
Also, the comparison between Stokes’s law and the inverse square law dependence
was discussed in the Physics Stackexchange [69].
Wait a minute! I heard about Stoke’s law in
connection with viscous force and terminal velocity of an object falling in a
viscous medium, but when did he analyse attenuation of sound depending on the
viscosity of a medium? Anyway, for those interested in this matter these 2
references [68,69] should suffice. Since the viscosity of air
isn’t very high, the distance at which sound gets attenuated of 1/e of its
initial magnitude works out to be about 6 miles for sound at 1 kHz for a point
source. So most people just stick with the 6 dB estimate as a good enough
But, the fourth issue is what worried Yip et al [66].
A lot of estimates of bird counts were done on roadsides rather than in the
interior of forests (these are country roads with low traffic density and
noise). But sound gets attenuated a lot more in forests by tree trunks and by
leaves, as compared with the unobstructed road corridor. The effect is greater
at higher sound frequencies, because at low frequencies the diffraction effects
are not as strong. Yip et al concluded that bird counts may be half of what
were usually obtained due to these differences in attenuation in roads and
A more detailed analysis was done by Margaret Price
in her thesis [70] and her subsequent publication [71] of sound
attenuation through trees in various woodlands, comparing models of multiple
scattering by tree trunks and by foliage – as well as the effect of the ground
- with measurements. The measured spectra show a low frequency peak in excess
attenuation below 500 Hz, a mid-frequency dip and a gradual increase in
attenuation above 1 kHz.
2. 22. The Evolutionary angle:
To answer the question about the evolutionary
origins of hearing, one should look at the brain. This I will refrain from
doing except to mention that the two mechanisms ITD and ILD get inputted into
different areas of the brain, the MSO and the LSO, and thence to higher areas
in the brain [21]:
a) ITD: low frequency cues go to the medial superior olive (MSO)
b) ILD: high frequency cues go to the lateral superior olive (LSO)
How do these neurons work? There are different MSO
neurons tuned to different time delays e.g. some for 50 microseconds, some for
60, 70 et. For a given ITD, only the corresponding subset will fire [54](Heeger).
Similarly, some LSO neurons fire when the right cochlea experiences greater
pressure than the left, and others that favour the left cochlea. Depending on
the firing rates of these LSO neurons, the loudness of the sound is estimated [72]
Roger Lederer:
According to Lederer [53], most birds hear
in the range 1,000 – 4,000 Hz, whereas humans hearing ranges from 20 Hz to
20,000 Hz. But there are variations: horned lark (350 – 7,600 Hz), canary
(1,100 – 10,000 Hz), house sparrow (675 - 11,000 Hz) and the long-eared owl
(100 – 18,000 Hz). Birds are more sensitive to tone and rhythm than humans, so
“they can more easily discern sounds in a noisy environment.”
“Nocturnal birds depend more on sound even
though their night vision is excellent. Barn Owls have a flattish facial disk
that funnels sounds toward the ears and fleshy ears not unlike humans’, but
asymmetrical in shape and location – they don’t look exactly alike, and one is
higher on the head than the other.” Apparently, the asymmetric height helps
barn owls in overcoming ITD ambiguity.
Unlike humans, birds do not have the
external ear (the pinna) that surrounds the opening to the ear canal, but in
most birds the ear canal is “covered by feathers that protect the ear from air
rushing over it and help to funnel sounds into the ears as the bird flies.” [53].
Birds and mammals are thought to have diverged
about 300 million years ago.
Manley [73] argues:
“Although physics often constrains what evolution
can do to optimize hearing, biological constraints arising from evolutionary
contingencies also limit the nature and degree of the physical process involved
in hearing optimization.” He adds that: “The functional differences between the
ears of birds, reptiles and mammals, are, despite large differences in
structure, quite small.” Because of the common ancestor, Manley further argues [73]
that: “All organs of extant land vertebrates whether reptiles, birds or
mammals, evolved fully independent of each other, yet all originated from the
same, very simple, ancestral form in the earliest reptiles.”
Going further back, to 500 million years ago, the
origin of hearing is traced to the lateral line - a surface organ used by
fishes to detect fluid motion in water - particularly the sensory hair cells
that are common to vertebrate inner ears (in the cochlea).
Summing up, Manley [73] disputes the idea of
convergent evolution in this case: in mammals, the shared sensory architecture
and physiology arose from a common ancestry. “The traits involved show a high
degree of conservation across the group, with specific adaptations arising from
the specific modification of these pre-existing cochlear structures and hearing
A more detailed analysis, based on genetic studies
of various proteins involved in hearing, by Marcela Lipovsek [74], shows
that these proteins were evolutionary hotspots. Detection of high frequency in
mammals (16 – 150 kHz), particularly in echo-locating mammals (like bats and
dolphins) were driven by changes in something called ‘stereocilia proteins’ and
in outer hair cells (OHCs). This paper mentions the categories: convergent
evolution, parallel evolution, adaptive selection and positive selection.
3. 23. More ears?
A blog I read [26] considers the possibility
of more ears.
Although this sounds quirky, there is logic behind
it. Xuan Zhong points out that artificial systems for computerized audition, at
least 4 sensors are needed for 3D localization of a sound source, such as a
(from [26])
“There would be no point in having four ears if the two localization
systems could not be combined. The source of the sound must lie on both cones,
so we need to find the parts that the two cones have in common: their
intersection. That intersection is, in this case, a nice parabola. It is shown
as stopping at the end of the cones but should again extend into space along
with the cones. Does this improve localization? Yes: the possible source of the
sound is reduced from the surface of a cone to a line in 3D.” [26].
A 2009 paper by Schnupp and Carr [75]
with the title “On hearing with more than one ear:
lessons from evolution” and concludes by:
“Of course, artificial
directional hearing designs would not necessarily have to be binaural. Even
insects rarely have more than two ears, and sometimes only one, which is
perhaps unexpected, given that a separation (‘unmixing’) of sounds from
different simultaneous sound sources can in theory easily be achieved using
techniques such as independent component analysis, provided that the number of
sound receivers (ears or microphones) is as large as the number of sound
Perhaps bionic ears of
the future will interface to elaborate cocktail-party hats that sport as many
miniature microphones as there are guests at the party. The basic algorithm for
independent component analysis requires that the relationship between sources
and receivers be stable over time. To adapt this to mobile speakers and
listeners, methods would have to be developed to track auditory streams when the
sound sources and receivers move relative to each other, but that may well be a
solvable problem. If so, many-eared, rather than merely binaural, devices might
ultimately turn out to be optimal solutions for bionic hearing.”
Anyway, never mind
Fig.23! It turns out that there is an insect with 6 pairs of ears
located on the side of its abdomen: the bladder grasshopper [76] – and
it may not be the only one with more than a a pair of ears. Mother Nature wins again! However, why did
this grasshopper need so many ears? Maybe each pair (alone) wasn’t up to it?
The ears of other
insects also manifest at various different positions:
“There are ears on antennae (mosquitoes and
fruit flies), forelegs (crickets and katydids), wings (lacewings), abdomen
(cicadas, grasshoppers and locusts) and on what passes for a “neck” (parasitic
flies). Among moths and butterflies, ears crop up practically anywhere, even on
mouthparts. Praying mantises have a single, “cyclopean” ear in the middle of
their chest.” [76].
1. 24. Out of the rabbit hole:
Real problems I faced, while attempting to
track koels:
I can’t even see, the pesky koel
let alone determine the distance. Forget elevation, even direction was tough to
The koel doesn’t call
continuously, and the NIOSH SLM has a sampling time of about a second
I don’t know if the koel’s call
is directional (more in the forward direction)?
The orientation of the phone in
the right way couldn’t be done either since I just broadly knew the koel was
above me. You can manage with two ears to figure out where the bird is:
left-right or ahead-behind, but the third dimension means you have to align you
head almost horizontally!
The koel is not a point source,
so the inverse square law applies only for a distance d (probably) > 10s,
where s is the size of the bird (or its beak?).
Not every bird of the same
species will be equally loud. So, there may be overlap in loudness of different
Podos et al [2] mentioned a SW and a
calibrated sound meter, which then extrapolates the sound level to the value at
a distance of 1 metre from the bird.
The mic of a cellphone is an electret or
MEMS both of which are omnidirectional. However, the mic is encased in a case
with a small input aperture. So, you have to orient it with respect to the
source to get maximum signal. I figured that the orientation shouldn’t matter
that much because, at least as a first approximation, the sound amplitude
should follow Lambert’s cosine law, and even if the angle was off by 84°, the cosine of that is about 0.1 - i.e. an error of 1 dB.
Three microphones in a triangle should be
enough to find the arbitrary location of a bird in 3D? But that’s not what Xuan
Zhong [30] says!
Two microphones would be enough if it is
straight ahead (direction passing thru midpoint of the 2 microphones). Getting
2 microphones – or more – means a group activity. You need to be able to
brainwash more people (with cellphones) to participate is koel-tracking events.
(Either that, or you get access to a sniper detection unit.)
Anyway, that was last year. This year, I’m
ignoring the calls of the koels … no matter how many come-hither calls they
emit. I will, of course, continue to hum the tune of the Hindi song: “Nazar lagi
Raja tore bangale pe…”
I’m going to buy me a cuckoo clock! Just keep
the cuckoo in place (nazar mein).
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