Saturday, August 30, 2008

S&T: converting myth into reality

Science and Technology: Converting myth into Reality

This is a theme which has been discussed before, but I want to look at it in the context of three recent developments.
At the outset, of course, one must pay homage to Arthur C.Clarke's 3rd law:

Clarke's Law states that:
Any sufficiently advanced form of technology is indistinguishable from magic.
And since myth is about magic, that just about says it all.

It is a truism that the remote controls that we use so nonchalantly are akin to magic wands. The next step was taken by Prof.Kevin Warwick who, in 1999, embedded a remote control in his body which could control lights, doors, computers, etc... "Look Ma! No wand!"
However, the remote control today seems prosaic and quotidian.

Something much more magical is the cloak of invisibility, used by Harry Potter, but probably a lot older. I would have to search out the oldest, but here is the link for "Prince Bairam and the Fairy Bride" which mentions an 'invisible cap"(Charles Swynnerton: Indian Nights' Entertainment. Folk-Tales from the Upper Indus. London 1892, Nr. 82.):,

Although H.G.Wells's The Invisible Man is probably the first full-fledged science fiction novel discussing the idea. A few years ago, at Duke University, the 'cloak of invisibility' was first demonstrated in two dimensions and at one wavelength in the microwave region.

It was pointed out that you would need much better precision to attain invisibility in the visible wavelength (since wavelengths are much shorter than the microwave), but this too has been recently (Aug.2008) achieved - almost - using metamaterials:

Not only that, acoustic cloaking has also been demonstrated:

That means, in principle, a cloak that prevents anyone from seeing or hearing you could be made...
Anyway, the details of how these feats are being achieved are best left to those who are developing them...The point I want to make is that scientists and technologists, very systematically, are creating these embodiments of ancient myths, with even add-ons (like acoustic cloaking) that may not have occurred to early dreamers but will certainly appeal to users (spies, thieves, soldiers...)

The second myth I want to discuss is the idea of shape-shifters e.g. werewolves. Apart from the horrific and lunatic elements of these stories, one can envisage that there might be advantages to being able to change your shape at will, in a protean fashion. A recent innovation by BMW is the shape-shifting car. I know: it isn't the same thing, but one has to start somewhere...

The hydraulic actuators allow the owner to change the shape of the car e.g. wider fenders, spoiler: yes or no...Of course, it's just a concept car, covered with fabric, that's going to end up in the museum. But it is a demonstration, a proof of concept.

A more radical idea is that of shape-shifting robots, that might be able to reconfigure their modular bodies from a worm-like shape suitable for tunneling through drainage ducts to something like a crane, suited for heavy lifting. The video link is for a robot that "starts from a short tower, changes to a carousel, a walking spider, battle robot and lastly a tank":

The last thing I want to discuss is the Jack the Beanstalk story. We all know the rest of the story about the giant, but let us stick to the beanstalk: a device for getting higher, way above the clouds. Actually, no known material could sustain its own weight if it got that high, and most certainly no beanstalk. But the concept of the space elevator could well render rockets and space shuttles irrelevant.

The space elevator was proposed by the visionary Russian scientist Konstantin Tsiolkosky in 1895. It is a cable that extends from Earth's surface to the geostationary orbit 36,000 kms away. It is theorized that carbon nanotubes are strong enough, but technologically no one yet knows how to make them long enough! Current status: "On February 13, 2006 the LiftPort Group announced that, earlier the same month, they had tested a mile of "space-elevator tether" made of carbon-fiber composite strings and fiberglass tape measuring 5 cm wide and 1 mm (approx. 6 sheets of paper) thick, lifted with balloons." Way to go! Just about 20,000 miles, in fact...

The moral of these three stories is that S&T are well on their way to translating myths into reality: cloaks of invisibility and inaudibility, shape-shifting cars and robots, and space elevators.

Essentially, science and technology are a powerful dynamic duo that systematically make ancient dreams real. Can they do everything? Probably not, but there's an awful lot that they can do.
It is meet that one closes this blog with Clarke's 1st law:

  1. When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is possible, he is almost certainly right. When he states that something is impossible, he is very probably wrong.
  2. The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
  3. Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

My father passed away on 28th March 2008, having crossed his 90th birthday milestone a few months previously. In the weeks before and after his demise, I used this fact as a consolation. Not that it is a very effective palliative: the loss of a parent, at any age, has a huge impact on everyone. But this ties in with the bromide,” He lived a full and long life”. The counter-question,” Why not longer?” is answered by pointing to the infirmities of extreme age: the loss of teeth, strength, memory, mobility, almost everything – to various degrees. There are remarkably few individuals who manage to hang on to their abilities till their dying day. In fact, with the increasing incidence of Alzheimer’s disease (one in three?) amongst the very old, the loss of memory practically translates to a horrifying loss of identity. In his last years, my father could recognize his wife of 50 years standing only intermittently. In his last three years, he stopped reading, and he spoke very seldom, with great difficulty, and whether he knew who he was at the end, would be difficult to ascertain. There are incidents of people who have been in coma recovering miraculously after even longer than a decade. Even people with Alzheimer’s can remember who they are, in intervals of lucidity. Memory remains a mystery, and the essence of our individuality is deeply entangled with our ability to remember.

At this point, a caveat is in order. Why should one assume that a long life is better than a short one? Because more is better? We mourn those who die young, because we feel that they could have experienced and achieved so much more, had they lived. But a long life may just as well have been a fruitless quotidian passage from womb to tomb. In the words of the Beatles, a ‘nowhere man’ who lives long would impact nothing and nobody, and his passing on would not be missed or even noted. There are many who have achieved glories in their youth, and nothing whatsoever later. On the other hand, it would be narrow-minded and immoral to deny a long life to someone merely because they did not do anything of import. What goes on in the private universe of any person, whether ‘normal’ or mad, gifted or retarded, is inaccessible. We cannot evaluate what we cannot know – but we cannot, on those grounds alone, dismiss them. If one accepts this argument, then one must strive to lengthen any life as much as possible.

Under what conditions would we stop this effort? The arguments for and against euthanasia are complex and fraught. If the person concerned is in immense pain and wants to end such a burden, most of us would accept it as a just demand. But if the person is unconscious or not capable of communication, what does one do? Such a judgment is enormously difficult and painful. On the other hand, should one resort to such extreme measures as connecting a dying person to a heart-and-lung machine? One can keep somebody ‘alive’ almost indefinitely…like Ariel Sharon, for example. The argument against ‘unnatural means’ is not a strong one, since all medical interventions could be described as ‘artificial’. However, the consensus seems to be that such interventions are justified – if there is a reasonable chance of recovery after the ventilator is (at some point) disconnected. For very old people who are already into multi-organ failure (as my father was) it may not make sense – although, admittedly, a tough decision is involved even here.

For a believer in religion, accepting death is easier than for the agnostic, and the position of the atheist is the worst. The ideas of a supernatural entity and an immortal soul have tremendous appeal and resonance. As an agnostic, I am denied the comfort of knowing that my father lives on somewhere, somehow. I have to rescue his soul by arguing that we live on in the memories of others, albeit in a scattered kind of way: in gestures, words, beliefs, dreams that are passed on from one generation to the next. But this is paltry comfort, straws that we clutch in desperation, in comparison with the deluded (?) certainties of the religious believer.

Nevertheless, one should not underestimate the power of memories. A few years ago, I was walking with my father in the park, and I remember that he said that we should walk carefully to avoid killing ants on the path. I replied that this was impractical, since one could not even see the small ants. Often when I go for a walk in the park, I remember my father’s lesson in nonviolence, and try not to step on the ants that I can see…

To return to my starting point: that my father just made it to the exclusive club of nonagenarians. Like any scientist, I find my comfort in numbers. In this case, the numbers say that about 0.6% of Indians cross 80 years [1], and about 0.25% of India’s population makes it past 90 years. This compares with about 2.9% octogenarians in the US. Worldwide about 1.1% of the population is categorized as ‘the oldest old’ (more than 80 years of age), of whom 88.8% are octogenarians, 11% are nonagenarians and 0.2% are centenarians [1]. So my father was a lucky man. Particularly, it is well known that women live longer on an average than men (the weaker sex!) by roughly 7-10 years (provided that adequate access to health- care prevents their dying during child-birth). Consequently there are more women than men among nonagenarians by a factor of about 3:1. The number of centenarians is extremely low (e.g. about 250 per million in Japan today, around 140 per million in the US and about 75 per million worldwide) [2]. This ties in with the observation that, past the age of 30, the probability of dying doubles (roughly) every 8 years. A recent definition is that you are young as long as your probability of dying is less than 1% per year; middle-aged as long your probability is less than 3%; and old when your probability crosses 3%. After you cross 90 years – which is in itself difficult – with every passing year the probability of dying increases. The number of super-centenarians (those who cross 110 years of age) is extremely low: not more than 450 worldwide; only one in a thousand centenarians becomes a super-centenarian. And the gender gap only increases with age: women centenarians outnumber men by a ratio of about 9:1.

The actuarial tables are pretty accurate for all but the oldest old. One of the interesting laws is the Makeham-Gompertz law of mortality: the term attributed to Makeham is age-independent, while the Gompertz term is age-dependent. Gompertz studied the mortality of animals and observed that the logarithm of the age-specific death rate increases linearly with time: ln[- (1/N)(dN/dt)] = C + Bt [3]. For man the age-specific mortality rate doubles every eight years. This explains why there are so few centenarians, and orders of magnitude less super-centenarians. Some biologists attribute the Gompertz law to the specifics of damage to cells, growth of tumors, etc.

Scientists have observed that typically men die of their diseases (heart attacks, stroke, cancer etc), while women live with theirs (arthritis, osteoporosis, diabetes etc)[4]. About 25% of the causes of death are genetic [5] based on studies of identical twins, the rest are lifestyle-related. The gender gap seems to be narrowing, with more women taking up highly stressful work lives – in addition to their housekeeping, child-bearing and rearing roles. Whether the average person drinks, smokes, exercises, or eats her vegetables adds or subtracts five to ten years to or from her life (according to Thomas Perls of Harvard Med School & Ruth Fretts of Boston Beth Israel), while the extra 30 years needed to become a centenarian require special genes to avoid heart disease, cancer, strokes, Alzheimer’s, etc. – that mostly reside with women. So gerontologists perforce study women! It also seems to help to live in some special ‘hotspots’ like Okinawa (more than 400 centenarians per million!), Barbados, Costa Rica, etc that have a healthier environment than the rest of the ‘developed’ world. The medical community has made a lot of noise about the advantages of taking vitamin supplements and antioxidants, but recent studies (that need to be replicated) suggest that supplements of Vitamins A, E and beta carotene either confer no advantage or increase mortality by ~10% [6].

My mother is eighty – and she is highly skeptical of the advantages of a long life. She feels that the deterioration that sets in after about 70 is far too much to justify ‘carrying on’. Bryan Adams dreams of being ‘eighteen till I die’ but such a vision is far from being attained, if at all it is possible. Theories of aging range from the ‘error theory’ to the idea that it is all down to ‘inflammation’[7,8], but it is likely that there is no single magic bullet that will make us all into Methuselahs. And a good thing it is too, since the world is already overpopulated! Nevertheless, people will continue to imagine that a longer life would allow them to fulfill their dreams. Some scientists [9,10,11] predict that the day is not far off when we will be able to upload our memories onto computers, clone ourselves, and download our selves onto our clones, thereby achieving ‘immortality’ (or, at least, as close to immortality as is theoretically possible). Of course, the process is not likely to be glitch-free and is, in any case, reasonably far in the future (our children may benefit from these technologies). At present, we will just have to manage our memories as best as we can.

A somewhat different perspective can be seen in Sogyal Rinpoche’s, “The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying”. I have not read it yet (although I bought it years ago), but I just read a review in today’s Hindu by E.S.Krishnamoorthy and Niranjana Bennett (1st June 2008). Rinpoche’s Buddhist perspective is deeply spiritual, and rests upon ideas of rebirth (which I find difficult to believe), but he discusses our avoidance of the idea of death, and a need to accept death, and emphasize the dignity of the individual, in an atmosphere of meditation. I wish to read this book, but I have doubts about the value of meditation in patients with Alzheimer’s or the possibility of meditation when the person is in pain. Still, the compassion that one associates with the Buddhist ethos inspires a feeling of respect, and it would be unwise to comment without a sincere effort to understand.


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From Ref.4:

The researchers estimate that a 70-year-old man who did not smoke and had normal blood pressure and weight, no diabetes and exercised two to four times per week had a 54 percent probability of living to age 90. However, if he had adverse factors, his probability of living to age 90 was reduced to the following amount:

  • Sedentary lifestyle, 44 percent
  • Hypertension (high blood pressure), 36 percent
  • Obesity, 26 percent
  • Smoking, 22 percent
  • Three factors, such as sedentary lifestyle, obesity and diabetes, 14 percent
  • Five factors, 4 percent