Monday, September 18, 2017

Green & Blue Flowers Should Be Less Common in Nature

Green & Blue Flowers Should Be Less Common in Nature

One would expect a relatively low frequency of green and blue flowers because they would unnecessarily confuse insect and bird pollinators. The problem of distinguishing flowers may be more acute for insects than for birds, because the former have lower visual acuity (VA) [1]. The selection pressure should be greater against green flowers because they could get missed in the midst of green leaves, and sometimes green trunks or stalks. Blue flowers could get missed against the background of the blue sky, at some angles and times of the day. However, the selection pressure against blue flowers should be weaker because the sky is in the background and because its color is much more variable due to clouds, rain, fog etc. (Nevertheless, in spring, when a lot of pollination takes place, skies are largely blue.) So the frequency of blue flowers should be higher than that of green flowers. This argument assumes that the visual system of the pollinators could respond to both these colors (and to other alternative colors), and that sight is the dominant mechanism for finding the flowers.

No comprehensive database of flower colors:

According to Joanna Klein in the NYT [2], “Less than 10 percent of 400,000 floral species bear blue flowers. It’s unclear why.” This article was written in the context of Japanese researchers recently creating the first blue chrysanthemums by genetic engineering [3].

“Less than 10 percent of the 280,000 species of flowering plants produce blue flowers,” Prof.David Lee [4] said. He added that true blue (as opposed to structural blue [5]) is rare in nature, and explained the chemistry: ‘The key ingredients for making blue flowers are the red anthocyanin pigments. “Plants tweak, or modify, the red anthocyanin pigments to make blue flowers,” Lee said. “They do this through a variety of modifications involving pH shifts and mixing of pigments, molecules and ions.”’ A different argument for the rareness of blue flowers is that most plants rely on chlorophyll which strongly absorbs blue, which is useful since it is a high energy (and high photon flux) part of the solar spectrum [6]. Plants that have preferred chlorophyll find it difficult to come up with the chemistry for blue.

There is agreement on the proportion of blue flowers: less than 10% of the total - whatever that is. Probably the total number of ‘floral species’ is 400,000, because it includes 120,000 flowering trees as well.  I Googled the internet but could not find a corresponding number for green flowers. Nor could I find any number in David Lee’s book [7]. But then I just glanced though the chapter on flowers… Absent this critical bit of information, the argument about green flowers cannot really go much further.
Another expert [8] has this to say:
No one has surveyed all of the world's flowers. All of the world's plant species haven't even been discovered and named yet. Further, flower color statistics have not compiled anywhere for the majority of the earth's plant species. We know of no central repository of flower color information… Green may actually be the most common flower color… If we had to rank the four colors you asked about in order from most common to least, we would guess -- and we emphasize guess, here -- that they would line up like this: 1. white, 2. yellow, 3. blue, 4. Red. ” 
Note that this expert states that green may be the most common color – but, oddly, when rank ordering the flowers does not put green in the first four.
Pollinators and their preferences:
One might add that bees respond to ultraviolet light, so what is a white flower to us, has clear ‘nectar guides (like landing strips)’ on it for the bee [1]. That is not really relevant, but what is apposite is a study mentioned by Joanna Klein [2]: Australian researchers, Adrian Dyer et al [9], found that bees native to Australia (T.Carbonaria) prefer blue flowers.
 Dyer et al [9] state that: “insect-pollinated flowering plants often generate spectral signals that suit the color capabilities of important bees, or other potential pollinators in an environment”. Many studies show that: “bumblebees show a preference for blue stimuli across a wide geographic range”. 

 “T. carbonaria bees showed a significant preference for stimuli from the blue and blue–green regions of the colour hexagon, consistent with findings that honeybees and bumblebees
tend to prefer flowers with such spectral characteristics. While it remains to be definitively shown whether bee innate colour preferences may drive flower evolution, there is evidence that such preferences are linked to flowers of these hues having higher nectar rewards.” (emphasis added by me). That is, although it would be expected that ‘innate color preference’ of bees drives flower color evolution, it has not yet been definitively proven.

Those ‘higher nectar rewards’ for blue flowers: it looks like sheer bribery to me! I would speculate that flowering plants added a nectar bonus to these blue flowers to compensate for the slight disadvantage of a blue sky. However, I would have to mention that Dyer et al nowhere mention a ‘blue sky’ problem, and they have replicated the natural environment in their lab for testing.

Dyer also gave an interview with ABC [10] in which he pointed out that there are two different types of birds in terms of their visual systems: some birds see violet, green, blue & red and these are called ‘violet-sensitive’, whereas there are others that also see ultraviolet (and these are called ‘UV-sensitive). Bees can see UV, blue and green – but not red. Pollinating flies can see four different types of color i.e. they are tetrachromats (but they prefer yellow).

Dark adaptation and visual acuity of pollinators:

Moths, which operate at night, do not see color at all, and the plants they visit are white. Oops! The hawkmoth, it seems, does see in color at night… [11a]. It seems that the compensation for the lack of photons at night occurs in one of three ways [11b]:

a     a)      Decreased focal length (distance between the aperture and the light-sensitive cells), f
b     b)      Increased diameter of the ommatidium or eye, D
c     c)      Special light-trapping structures that cause a ‘double pass’ of the photons, increasing the quantum efficiency h(probability of detecting the photons).
So, the number of photons detected is increased since it is proportional to h(D/f)2.

In  Kelber’s words: “A closer inspection of the geckos' eyes revealed that, with no rods to fall back on, the cones in their eyes had evolved to become more rod-like, longer and more sensitive. Like the hawkmoths, they also had large lenses and a shorter focal distance to cut down how far the light had to travel through the eye.” Kelber  also points out that many nocturnal eyes have [11c]: “a mirror-like structure at the base of the eye, which reflects the light across the photoreceptors for a second time.” With this adaptation, Kelber et al showed that nocturnal hawkmoths have color vision even under dim starlight (10-4 cd/m2). At such light levels, humans are blind - not just color-blind!
Some insects are crepuscular i.e. they are active at dawn and dusk. They have a special adaptation, called a neural superposition compound eye (as opposed to a simple apposition compound eye), in which the photons from 7 adjacent ommatidia are summed up in the neural layer, so that the number of photons detected is increased by 7X – without sacrificing spatial resolution. This type of neural superposition gives them an advantage during twilight over predators and competitors who have apposition eyes and allows them to detect small objects [12].

And we have not even taken up bats, butterflies, midges, mosquitoes and wasps yet! Ok, forget the bats…? Well, you cannot: they are dichromats. So if coevolution of flowers and their pollinators is occurring, then it must be specific to the species involved. In addition, Dyer adds that bees cannot see very well (their bad VA was mentioned earlier [1]), and they can only see flowers when they get quite close: “maybe 50-60 cms”, and probably use the scent of flowers to find them from afar. This argument might imply that flower color should not really be important for small pollinators! Dyer also states that primeval plants were probably dull, pale yellow or green, until about 100 million years ago, when they evolved the more vibrant hues that we see today.

Considering that bees do not see very well, the smallest object that they can resolve with an ommatidium is about 6.7 mm (at a distance of 50 cms, corresponding to an angular resolution Dq of 13.3 mrad for a 30 micron diameter ommatidium d and 400 nm light wavelength l) since a) diffraction constrains the angular resolution, and b) the diameter of the ommatidium d is related to the radius of curvature r of the bee’s head (about 3 mm) [1]:

                                                       Dq = l/d = d/r

Thus, the optimum diameter of the ommatidium is given by: dopt = (lr)1/2, which is fixed by the wavelength of light and the radius of the bee’s head [1].

Feynman [1] also states that bees have 30X worse spatial resolution than humans: this would suggest that they can resolve down to about 1.5- 3.0 mm (assuming the human eye can resolve between 50 - 100 microns). In that case, the scent of the flower would have to guide them to its vicinity, and then sight would do the rest in the final (terminal), homing-in on the target.
The blog [12a] gives the ommatidium diameter of A.Bilineata as about 4 microns. As pointed out by Feynman [1] and by Ref.14, diffraction limits the diameter of the ommatidium to above this limit. A ommatidium of 2 micron diameter would be of no use because diffraction would blur any image beyond usefulness. For smaller insects, such as flies, the ommatidium diameter may be somewhat smaller (but it has to be > 4 microns anyway to avoid diffraction), so a significant fraction of the surface of the head is covered by ommatidia!
This blog [12a], which gives a very detailed description of the insect eye, both day- and night-adapted, mentions that the visual acuity of the compound eye of the insect is about 100X worse than that of humans( compared to 30X quoted in [1]).
Rigosi et al [13] studied the honeybee A.Mellifera. Previous studies had shown that: “bees could not discriminate a dark object smaller than 3 deg”. Rigosi et al measure better angular resolution when the bees are light-adapted, a value that is 30% lower than the above value. They also found that: “in both frontal and lateral regions, responses saturate for large objects that fill the receptive field but
decrease linearly as the object area falls below 1 deg2 . As features fall below the size of the receptive field they are increasingly blurred to a lower effective contrast until the response is indistinguishable from noise”. This amounts to an area of about 9 x 9 mm2 at a distance of 50 cms.

A standard definition of a point target is when it occupies one pixel. The distance at which it occupies on pixel depends upon its width (let us assume width w = 5 cms, arbitrarily) and the minimum angular resolution (MAR) (or Dq), taken here as 1 deg. Then the distance d above which it is seen as a point target by the pollinator is:

                         d = w/(MAR) = 5/0.017 = 287 cms. 

The minimum requirement for the target to be resolved is that it is covered by 6 x 6 = 36 pixels, which will occur at a distance of about d/6 = 48 cms, which roughly agrees with the number mentioned by Dyer [9,10]. This criterion of needing 3 line-pairs across the target (or 6 pixels) was first proposed by J.Johnson of the Army Night Vision Lab [14]. However, the size of the target (the flower) will vary depending upon the angle of approach. The terminal homing-in phase mentioned above refers to distances less than d, where the target is rsolved.

An interesting question is whether at distances at which the flower is a point target, could the pollinator use its color (apart from its scent) to detect it? Something like the fact that we can see the color of a distant star.

Color response, and the ambiguity in determining the color of flowers:

Since the spatial resolution is in the range of about 2 - 7 mm, the color of the flower may actually become more important to the bee than its shape (for identification, not landing). This problem would become even more acute for butterflies which are smaller than bees, or for smaller size bees, that also have smaller ommatidia. Interestingly, one butterfly, G.Sarpedon, has been found that responds to 15 colors (i.e. it has more than fifteen types of photoreceptors) – whereas we can only see three (trichromats) [15]. Note that this is in the same league as the other record-holder, the mantis shrimp (H.Trispinosa), which has 12-16 distinct photoreceptors [16].
According to Virginia Morell [17]: “Butterflies need only four receptor classes for color vision, including spectra in the UV region. So why did this species (G.Sarpedon) evolve 11 more? The scientists suspect that some of the receptors must be tuned to perceive specific things of great ecological importance to these iridescent butterflies—such as sex. For instance, with eyes alert to the slightest variation in the blue-green spectrum, male bluebottles can spot and chase their rivals, even when they’re flying against a blue sky.” (emphasis added). Well, the much-awaited blue sky finally showed up somewhere (even if it leaves much to be desired)!
Feynman [1] mentions that bees cannot see red (like bulls!), so they do not visit ‘true red’ flowers (that do not have any other tinge of color to which bees might be sensitive) – but these flowers are visited by hummingbirds which do see red. That sounds suspiciously like coevolution to me – or is it just rank avian opportunism? – or is it both?

Arnold et al [18] hypothesized that there may be seasonal variation in flower color to better attract pollinator insects in a ‘market’. Bees generally prefer blue, green and UV, while butterflies prefer pink/purple and hoverflies prefer yellow and white. “The pollination syndrome hypothesis might lead us to expect that if particular pollinator guilds constitute a larger proportion of the total pollinators at certain times of year, then those plant species blooming at that time should be more likely to possess the flower colors associated with those pollinators.” However, pollinators do not exhibit strong brand loyalty and are quite capable of learning new behavior, “able to associ­ate almost any color with reward. “  In the presence of such perfidy, coevolution sounds impossible! 
Arnold et al  [18] conclude:
“…(although) data collected appears to suggest that in some habi­tats, certain colors of flowers bloom at particular times of year…we found no statistically signifi­cant evidence that the colors of flowers change throughout the year.” Apparently, a lot of hypotheses just do not pan out! They add: “During much of the year, pollinators in woodland must forage under lower light levels, and also under light that is spectrally different from normal daylight (with a spectral peak around 550 nm owing to filtering through green leaves)”.
After all this argument about the supposed disadvantages suffered by blue and green flowers, it is useful to add a caveat. Even a disadvantageous situation may be exploited by some plants and animals because it serves as an ecological niche in which there is lower competition. In fact, one might well say that Nature abhors a vacant ecological niche! This would imply that, even if the frequency of blue flowers is low, it will never be negligibly small. Another problem is with the definition of ‘blue’. The researchers who tweaked the color of the chrysanthemum were concerned that it should be ‘true blue’, without any tinges of other colors. So even the estimates of 10% for the fraction of blue flowers could be dependent on its precise definition. The expert [8] adds: “Many flowers are multi-colored. Some species feature flowers that change in color as they age. Other plants bear flowers of different colors on the same plant.”  No wonder there is no exhaustive database! And the color seen depends not only on the eye of the beholder (the visual system), but the type of illumination (solar, lunar, direct, reflected, polarized…).
 Another authority [19] also stated:

“We simply have no idea what the most common flower color is in the world but it's probably green. Big or small, we like bright colors and we like weird colors. All the rest just get glazed over. In reality, many plant species, especially trees, produce small, nondescript green flowers.”
He adds:
“It is actually an easier question to ask ‘what is the rarest flower color?’ To that, most botanists will probably say black.”

I started with an idea that green and blue flowers should be less common, but the literature does not support any such easy generalization. In fact some experts claim that green may be the most common flower color. The literature says that blue flowers are less than 10%. Does that compare with 1/7 or 1/3 – if we assume all colors have equal weight? But color is clearly important to pollinators, since their visual systems have even adapted to provide color sensitivity at night.

To summarize:
a)      No complete database exists of flower colors – and green is probably under-counted, since humans may just not notice them
b  a)      Flower color itself is not clearly defined, since it depends on many environmental variables such as lighting in the day, twilight or night, angle, texture etc.
c  b)      Different pollinators have very different visual systems, so coevolution is specific to the flower-pollinator pair
d  c)     Small pollinators have low visual acuity (e.g. distance to flower should be less than about 50 cms for clear vision for bees), and they home in on flowers from a distance using scent, but use color for the final phase, to actually make contact. Even nocturnal moths do this! This highlights the importance of color for the pollinator – even at night!
e  d)      There is no conclusive proof for coevolution of bees (that are the most well-studied pollinators) and flowers - although it is generally accepted that coevolution happens.
f   e)       Blue flowers are less than 10% of the total, maybe because chlorophyll absorbs blue, and because anthocyanins are mostly red (but change to blue by changing pH), The ‘blue sky’ argument that I have suggested is not mentioned by anyone.

1     1)      Feynman lectures Vol.1 Ch.36 (Addison & Wesley, 1963)

3     3)      N.Noda et al., Sci. Adv. 2017;3: e1602785 26 July 2017

7     7)      David Lee “Nature’s palette: the science of plant color” (Univ. of Chicago Press, 2007)

9      9)      A.G.Dyer et al J.Comp.Physiol.A (2016) DOI 10.1007/s00359-016-1101-4

b) A.Kelber Nature 419 (2002) 922
c) A.Kelber & L.S.V.Roth J.Expt.Biol.209 (2006) 781-88
b) Michael Land & Dan-Eric Nilsson “Animal eyes” (Oxford University Press, 2012)
13)   E.Rigosi et al Sci.Rep. (2016) DOI: 10.1038/srep45972
1        15)   P.-J. Chen et al Frontiers in Ecology & Evolution 4 (2016) doi: 10.3389/fevo.2016.00018

1       18)   S.E.J.Arnold et al Israel J.Plant Sciences 57 (2009) 211