Monday, December 3, 2018

Actual Face-Mask Efficiency

Mask efficiency, really

There are two types of face masks available N95 and N99, the latter boasting 99% efficiency for PM, and being more expensive than the lower efficiency 95% masks. They filter airborne particles larger than 0.3 microns diameter. These are supposed to be in three sizes: small, medium and large. The problem is that faces come in all kinds of shapes and even the N99 masks cannot assure a perfect fit. This is important because, if they do not fit, a fraction of unfiltered air is being inhaled. This means that the effective efficiency is not really as high as the advertised 95% or 99%.

Let us call the advertised efficiency h, the leakage percentage l and the degraded efficiency e. The fraction of pollution that gets through is:

P = l + (1 - l)(1 - h)

The 1st terms is the unfiltered air, and the remainder (1 - l) does get filtered.

The effective efficiency is:

e = 1 – p = h (1 - l)

This can be tabulated as a function of varying leakage fraction l for both types of masks:


The limiting cases of zero leakage and 100% leakage are as expected. 

A well-fitting N95 mask may be better than an ill-fitting N99 mask. As the leakage rate increases, there is not much to choose between ill-fitting N95 and N99 masks, as can be seen from the graph"

In fact, in the Army, you are required to shave off your beard because the face mask cannot protect you against poisonous gases or viruses since contaminated air will through the spaces between facial hairs. Face masks which really protect you do exist, but they are used for military or medical applications.

The question is: what is the leakage rate, actually? This is difficult to determine experimentally, but two papers [1,2] have tried to determine the number.

Lai et al [1] used poly-disperse ultrafine particles to challenge face masks worn by manikins:
“Performances of four different types of face-mask fits, varying from ideal to normal wearing practice, were also investigated. Under the pseudo-steady concentration environment, face-mask protection was found to be 45%, while under expiratory emissions, protection varied from 33 to 100% .”

Cherrie et al [2] report similar results:

“The masks’ filtration efficiency was tested by drawing airborne diesel exhaust through a section of the material and measuring the PM2.5 and black carbon (BC) concentrations upstream and downstream of the filtering medium. Four masks were selected for testing on volunteers. Volunteers were exposed to diesel exhaust inside an experimental chamber while performing sedentary tasks and active tasks.”

“The mean per cent penetration for each mask material ranged from 0.26% to 29%, depending on the flow rate and mask material. In the volunteer tests, the average total inward leakage (TIL) of BC ranged from 3% to 68% in the sedentary tests and from 7% to 66% in the active tests. Only one mask type tested showed an average TIL of less than 10%, under both test conditions.

Conclusions:  Many commercially available face masks may not provide adequate protection, primarily due to poor facial fit. Our results indicate that further attention should be given to mask design and providing evidence based guidance to consumers.”

In other words, the leakage rates can easily go as high as 50%...

The bottom-line is that it may be better to use nasal filters [3,4] based on nanofibre technology by IIT-D, but the ones recently developed also have different sizes, and are stated to be equivalent to N95 masks. Since they have to be sized relative to the size of your nostrils, the same caveats may apply…


1. A.C.K.Lai et al J. Roy. Soc. Interface 9 (2012) 938–948
2. J.W.Cherrie…M.Loh Occup Environ Med 75 (2018) 446–452. doi:10.1136/oemed-2017-104765