Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Maximum height of (mostly) mountains and a flagpole:

Victor Weisskopf gave a derivation of the limit to the height of a mountain. This can be found in different sources (with minor numerical differences) [1].
The simplification is that he assumes a silicon dioxide (rock) mountain of area A and height h on a SiO2 base. Its height is at its limit when its weight Mg bearing down on the base has a total potential energy Mgh that is greater than the liquefaction energy of SiO2 El. That is, it would cause the base to turn into liquid, and it would sink into the liquid. The value of EL is assumed to be 0.05X the binding energy of SiO2 EBE, and EBE is O.2X the Rydberg energy (13.6 eV/atom). So, EL = (0.05)(0.2)(13.6) = 0.136.
The mass of the mountain can be obtained from the volume of the mountain (V = Ah) multiplied by the number density of SiO2 nSiO2 (atoms/m3) and the mass of the protons & neutrons (assumed equal) mp (1.67x10-27 kg) and the mass number AMS (the number of protons and neutrons in SiO2):
M = AhnSiO2mpAMS
The mountain sinks by a distance z and displaces a volume Az of SiO2 in the base, and the potential energy (on the l.h.s. equals the energy of liquefaction of the volume Az on the r.h.s.):
Mgz = nSiO2 Az EL
Or, cancelling z:
Mg = nSiO2 A EL
But M itself involves h, so:
AhnSiO2mpAMSg = nSiO2 A EL
The number density nSiO2 and the area A both cancel, leaving:
h = EL/(mpAMSg)
Numerically, this becomes:
h = [(0.136)(1.6x10-19)]/[(1.67x10-27)(60)(9.8)] = 21.6 kms
a)      For a conical mountain, the mass M will depend upon the volume, which is now Ah/3. So for this case, the height will go up by a factor of 3X.
b)      Weisskopf’s argument takes into account energy of liquefaction, whereas much before the base turn liquid, it would undergo plastic flow. This would lead to a lower and more realistic value of the maximum height.
A similar, though much simpler argument is given by Gnadig et al [2]:
The base of a mountain that does not melt under its load if:
h < L/g
where L = latent heat of melting of metals (200-300 kJ/kg), and the answer for Earth is 20-30 kms.
Gnadig  [2] also points out that on Mars g ~ 4 m/s2, and in fact, the highest mountain on Mars is Mt.Olympus which is 26 kms high, according to Gnadig, but 21.9 kms high according to Caplan [3].
P.A.G.Scheuer [4] was more interested in the question of how high a mountain can be…on a neutron star (he gets a range of 0.04 to 0.4 mm for the maximum height of his mountain range!). But on the way, he deigns to look at Earth too. Scheuer gives two answers h1 and h2, where h2 is much higher and refers to a broad-based pyramid:
h1 =4 (1.5x107)/[(2650)(9.8)] = 2.31 kms
Scheuer gives this number as 2.25 kms assuming a value of yield stress of Y = 1.5x106 kg/m2 which equals 15 MPa ( the latter is the kg force multiplied by g).
h2 = (h1b/4)1/2 where b is the base of the mountain, such that b >> h.
Using an unconfined compressive strength value of 100-250 MPa for granite gives a much larger number for h1 than the one Scheuer got:
h1 = 4Y/(rg) where Y is the yield stress, Y = 250 MPa for granite and granite density r = 2650 kg/m3.
h1 = 4(2.5x108)/[(2650)(9.8)] = 38.5 kms
Miskinis [5] gives a somewhat different argument, using the Hooke’s law relation between the shear stress sr on compressed rock and the shear angle q:
sr = Gq
where G is the rock shear modulus.
Then he uses the weight of the mountain argument on the surface area S, to find the maximum height, giving:
s = mg/S = grhmaz
hmaz = Gq/(rg)
Substituting values of G = 12.5x109 Pa for basalt, r = 104 kg/m3 for the increased density of compressed rock, and q = 0.1 rad (or 6°), he gets a maximum height of 12.5 kms.

The mountain argument can now be applied to an iron flagpole, assuming it to be an iron mountain on a silica base, adapting Weisskopf’s argument ( so why bring up Gnadig, Scheuer and Miskinis? Never mind!).
A similar argument can be used for an iron ‘mountain’ of area A and height h, on a SiO2 base, giving:
AhnFempAMSg = nSiO2 A EL
In this case, the number densities are different on both sides of the equation: nSiO2 = 2.66x1022 and nFe = 8.49x1022 cm-3, and AM, Fe = 55. The number densities are obtained from the density, the mass number AM and the Avogadro number: n = rNA/AM. The areas still cancel, so:
h = [(2.66x1022)(0.136)(1.6x10-19)]/[( 8.49x1022)(1.67x10-27)(55)(9.8)] = 7.6 kms
So, if one goes by Weisskopf’s argument there is plenty of scope for building higher flagpoles, since even the Jeddah flagpole is just at 170 m!
Of course, a structural engineer could probably come up with a much lower – and more realistic -- limit by invoking other problems such as yielding or buckling… but that stuff is way too complicated… I found one reference on “Metal Flagpole Design” which is the American National Standard but it is much too iterative and demands too much knowledge of material properties.
And, why build a high flagpole when you can just as well stick your flag on top of some convenient hill or mountain? Tell that to the BSF!


[2] Peter Gnadig et al ,”200 Puzzling physics problems” (Cambridge Univ.Press, 2001) p.197
[3] M.E.Caplan arXiv 1511.04297v1 “Calculating the potato radius of asteroids using the height of Mt.Everest”
[4] P.A.G.Scheuer “How high can a mountain be?” J.Astrophy.Astr.2 (1981) 165-69
[5] Paulius Miskinis “Mathematical modeling of mountain height distribution on Earth’s surface“ Geologija 53 (2011) 21-26

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