Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Beating the Rainbow moratorium


Beating the Rainbow Moratorium

Dolly Parton said:

“The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.”

Clearly, Dolly never saw a rainbow in a fountain, water sprinkler or hose. Of course, maybe she was just making a metaphorical point.

Fig.1: 16:24, 8th March 2024, Lodhi Garden, Delhi

But I know there are people who have spent more than 60 years on Planet Earth and never knew they could see a rainbow in a fountain! My better half, who is also 60+, recruits (buttonholes?) any nearby children at the Lodhi Garden to glimpse the lovely rainbows…you have to educate the next generation! Especially since rainbows are few and far between (even in those places blessed with a higher number of rainbows), we have to manage our fountains well.

Obviously, the rainbow you see in a fountain has nothing to do with the rain…other than the common factor of water droplets. So why not call it a fountain bow?

Nah, it won’t work. Why? Because you could see one in a water sprinkler too. You wanna call it a sprinkler-bow? Or you could pinch the end of a hose so the water exits in a sheet, and, with the sun behind you, you can see a ‘hose-bow’? It won’t wash.

Back to the wall, you might argue that a fountain is just a water sprinkler surrounded by water, but it’s probably better to just let sleeping semanticks lie.

Anyway, it doesn’t matter whether the water drops go up or down, just so long as the sun is shining at your back, and enough water droplets are illuminated by the sunlight.

Another point to (partly) refute Dolly is that the rain could be below a relatively far away cloud, leaving the observer quite dry (as indicated in the schematic below [1]).

Fig.2 [1]

However, here’s a caveat for people who go fountain-hopping to catch rainbows on sunny days: the sun needs to be low in the sky, making an angle with the horizon that is less than 42° [1]. At sunrise (or sunset), when the angle with the horizon is zero, you see the most that you can get: a half-circle [2]. As the morning goes on, the rainbow shifts downwards, until the top disappears below the horizon:

a)       Sunrise: 06:02 am:

b) 07:40:

c)       08:35:



d)      09:20:

The rainbow disappears (because the sun altitude is higher than 42°).


Fig.3a was taken from the internet [3]. It was cropped to show what it would have looked like, as the morning proceeds, with the times set as if the picture had been taken in Delhi (77.1°, 28.7°) on 9th Apr.2024.

 In the afternoon, the same sequence is reversed: the sun reappears, the rainbow shifts upwards, till it reaches the highest point at sunset (18:40).

Rainbow moratorium:

According to a physics website [1]: ‘rainbows are not seen in midday’. There’s even a Quora thread [4]: ‘someone tells you they saw a rainbow at noon; why they’re lying’. Some people replied: “They may not be”.

As you might expect, the period when you can’t see a rainbow depends on your latitude (see the Table of rainbow times vs latitude at the end). The duration of the ‘rainbow moratorium’ decreases as you approach the Arctic Circle (in the Northern Hemisphere, or the Antarctic Circle in the Southern Hemisphere).

The rainbow moratorium times were calculated using an online calculator [5] to get the sun altitude vs latitude (on 9th Apr.2024 and on 21st June 2024, the summer solstice).

Red rainbows:

Strictly speaking, you could even see a rainbow before sunrise (but after dawn) and after sunset (but before dusk), although light levels will be low. But, interestingly, rainbows around sunrise and sunset times tend to be mostly red, with traces of yellow [6]. Why? Because the longer path-length the sun rays have to traverse scatters (by Rayleigh scattering) the shorter wavelengths of sunlight out of the line of sight: the rays that remain to strike the raindrops are mostly red, and so are the rainbows. I found a Reddit user [7] who even specified the time he saw the red rainbow as 6 minutes before sunrise.

Fig.4: red rainbow: from: Sarah Zielinski

Secondary Rainbow:

However, there’s good news and the bad news.

The good news: there is a secondary rainbow (see the Fig.2) [1] which is visible as long as the sun makes an angle of less than 51° with the horizon (i.e. closer to noon).

The bad news? It’s somewhat fainter than the primary bow (43%, according to [8]), so you have to lucky or savvy (or both) to see it. Also, it’s at a higher angle, so either the water droplets in the fountain have to go higher, or you have to get closer (and probably wetter).

Further, the primary rainbow has an angular width of about 1.9°, while the secondary rainbow has a width of about 3.4°. Since the intensity is spread over a larger width, this apparent intensity of the secondary rainbow is lowered even more [9,10]. The primary rainbow forms between about 40.6° and 42.3°, from the antisolar point (discussed again later).

Couch potatoes (like me) who couldn’t be bothered to physically go to a fountain/sprinkler or get hold of a hose, can get plenty of rainbows – all shapes and sizes – on the net (e.g. Google images, Pinterest, etc).

Breaking the moratorium:

Some contrary souls might want to break the rainbow moratorium. Others are dissatisfied with a mere half-circle rainbow. Why not a full circle?

There are two ways: you need to gain altitude or latitude:

In the Northern Hemisphere, head North. If you reach a latitude of 71.5° (i.e.90° + 23.5° – 42°) the Sun basically never gets an altitude more than 42°. Ergo, no rainbow moratorium on any summer day. However, there are other days with no rainbow moratorium even at lower latitudes (e.g. at 60° on 9th Apr.2024). Similarly, in the Southern Hemisphere, go South.

But you’re still stuck with just a half-circle rainbow at sunrise/sunset.

Full circle rainbows:

Remember that you get to see the widest arc of the rainbow at sunset? Well, you can see more of it if you go to a high place (like a mountain cliff or a high building) - or get in a plane. If you’re close to sunset (or sunrise, if you’re a lark person), you won’t have to climb too high [11]

N.B.: ‘altitude’ here means ‘altitude above ground level’ (AGL), not above mean sea level (MSL): going to Srinagar or Denver (Colourado) will not help break the rainbow moratorium.

Astronomy picture of the day: 30th Sep.2024, taken from a helicopter near Cottesloe Beach, Perth, Australia [12]:


The exact height you need to go to? That depends upon how far you are from the water droplets. Of course, the rainbow itself is not localised to a given distance, since the rays coming to your eye come from a cone that intersects with the water droplets (see Fig.2 that shows a half-cone). Say the closest water drops are at a minimum distance dmin from the observer. Using this distance and the 42° full-angular width of the primary rainbow, the minimum height hmin is given by:

tan (21°) = hmin/dmin  = 1.527

i.e. hmin = 1.527 dmin

This is the height AGL needed to see a full-circle rainbow at sunrise/sunset. What’s the minimum height at other times? I guess you would have to go higher. How much? Dunno. Also, the closer the water droplets are, the smaller the bow appears, for the same angle subtended by the cone.

Another full circle rainbow below [13], except that they insist on calling it a ‘complete’ bow, a water hose-bow:

Fig.6: Richard Fleet, webmaster of ‘Glows Bows & Haloes’ produced this hosepipe bow. The camera field of view was not enough to take in the entire rainbow and so he carefully took a number of images while keeping the camera in the same position as far as possible.

Fleet [14] calls it a ‘spraybow’. He used 8 cameras to make the composite image that covers a field of view (FOV) of about 110° horizontally. And his website has a lot more…

Applying the equation above and taking Fleet’s height as 1.5 metres would suggest that the water droplets are less than a metre away from him. (Actually we should take the distance between the cameras that took the photo and the water drops).

Waterfall rainbows:

Oh, I almost forgot (how could I?): rainbows in waterfalls! Like Yosemite, Niagara, or your friendly neighbourhood waterfall). Or, just Google a few images. But, trust me, a real rainbow is the real thing – no matter where you see it.

Apparently, a video went viral in 2023 of a waterfall in Yosemite, at a time of ‘unusually heavy water’, taken at 9 am in November 2017 by photographer Greg Harlow at a time when there were very high winds (making for a spray of water drops) – leading to an exceptionally strong rainbow along the entire length of the 1,450 foot long waterfall (or is it 2,400 foot long?) [15]. Check it out!

Effects of Droplet sizes and shapes:

Another problem: not all fountains produce rainbows. Especially near the central part of the fountain the water drops are quite big. That should not be a problem, since bigger drops mean a brighter rainbow. But the spacing between the large raindrops is too much, and it reduces the total number density of drops or the fill factor. The same fountain will give you rainbows if the wind is blowing, creating a spray of fine water droplets.

Prisms vs Spheres? [16]


Fig.7: prisms in (a), sphere in (b)

The shape factor is another point that is a bit unclear. Almost all explanations of rainbows cite Newton’s prism that disperses white light into separate colours. Then they claim that water droplets ‘act like prisms’ [17,18], with ‘like’ as the operative word.

But water drops are spherical, no?

Experiments on light being reflected and refracted by a glass sphere full of water were done by Kamal Al-Din Al-Farisi and by Rene Descartes [19], and by the monk Theodoric von Freiberg in 1304 [20]. (A more recent analysis of the glass sphere full of water, taking into account the glass thickness [21]). These experiments predate Newton and his prism. But the advantage of the prism was that the separation of colours was increased by the refraction of the second surface, making it easier to see the spectrum.

However, almost any shape will create a rainbow – provided the second surface is not parallel to the first, because that cancels out the effect of the first surface (so a rectangular shape will not work, but a cylinder will). I didn’t get this parallelism criterion but I found this on Quora by a BA student, Shreya Mishra, at Delhi University [22]:

The objects like rectangular glass slab cannot scatter light into seven colours because it has the opposite sides parallel. All the scattering done from first interface is undone when the light reaches the second interface as the sides are parallel. On the other hand Prism can scatter light as it's two sides are not parallel so the scattering done by the first interface is not undone when the light reaches the second interface. Same is the case with water droplet, no two sides of droplet are parallel so the scattering is possible in water droplet.”


Do large raindrops contribute much to rainbows? Probably to a lesser extent, because of the fill factor problem. But the glass spheres show they could, in principle.


Keats lamented that Newton was responsible for ‘unweaving’ the rainbow, bringing its mystery down to earth. But today we still have mysteries in elusive rainbows but we want to create, or discover, Rainbow Machines to democratise access to them!

Higher order rainbows:

I’m not sure if Keats knew about the secondary rainbow. Maybe he did, maybe he didn’t.

But poetry had little to do with the discovery in 2011 of tertiary and quaternary rainbows [23], that were predicted earlier, and then found and photographed in 2011 - under the predicted conditions! You have to look back towards the sun, and these two bows make 43° with the direction (azimuth, not elevation) of the sun [24]. The intensity of the tertiary rainbow is about 24% of that of the primary; that of the quaternary is about 15%. Even higher order bows have been observed in the lab using high-intensity lasers [1].

How come tertiary and quaternary rainbows aren’t often seen? Apparently, prior to the photographing by Grossmann [24] in 2011 only 5 credible instances were reported in 250 years! The intensity ratios of 24% and 15% are ideal values assuming the raindrops are uniformly the same size – whereas, in most cases, there is a distribution of sizes from less than 0.1 mm diameter to up to 6 mm dia (above which size the drops break up).

In 2014, the first image of a 5th order rainbow, the quinary (which hides in Alexander’s dark band!) was taken by Harald Edens [25].

Droplet shapes and sizes (again):

As raindrops come down, the front ends get a bit flattened (they’re nowhere near the classic teardrop shape).

We also know that small raindrops (less than 2 mm diameter says Volpi [26], less than 0.28 mm says Ryomoto [16]; the difference is probably in the extent of deviation from the spherical shape in the two analyses) are kept spherical by surface tension [26], while large raindrops, being more affected by air drag, are not. The latter shape, according to NASA is like a hamburger: round on top (due to surface tension) and flat on the lower end of a falling raindrop (due to air pressure) [27]. Further, they oscillate (shape-changing raindrops), making the math even more messy [28].

The theory of rainbows for elliptical raindrops was started in 1918 by W.Mobius in the Zeitschrift fur Physik (Do you read German? I don’t.) leading to what are now called the Mobius shifts (using Mie scattering theory) of the rainbow angle (by about ± 0.1° in 42°) – which has recently been extended to rainbows of all orders by J.A.Lock et al [29].

The specifics of the appearance of the rainbow as a function of droplet size have been detailed by Ryomoto [16] (see the Table in Appendix lifted from his paper), but one simple point is that the bigger flattened raindrops tend to scatter sunlight horizontally, while small spherical raindrops scatter in more directions. So: the top of the rainbow (that disappears towards noon) is fainter and is predominantly due to the spherical raindrops.

But a more subtle point is about the purity of the colours of the rainbow: the reds are pure, but all the others are overlapped, with violet being the most overlapped. Why? See this website for details [30a]:

The colours of a rainbow are not simple and uniform; rather, they are wonderfully subtle mixtures. Unlike the colours produced by prisms or circumzenithal arcs, which consist of almost single wavelengths, rainbow colours are composed of overlapping disks of light. Each disk corresponds to a specific colour or wavelength and is brightest at its caustic edge, gradually diminishing towards its center. Reds create the largest disks, while blues and violets form the smallest ones.

This point is clarified by Chris Baird [31]:

“…although most of the violet light comes out… at 40.6°, we see that some violet light comes out at all angles between 0° and 40.6°.”

“Although pure red is mostly bent by a raindrop into a 42.1° viewing angle to form the outer edge of a rainbow, some of the red is bent into all angles between 0° and 42.1° because of the curved surface of the raindrop. Similarly, pure orange is mostly bent into the 41.9° viewing angle, but some orange is bent into all lower angles as well. The colour in a rainbow at 42.1° is therefore red, the colour at 41.9° is orange plus a little bit of red, the colour at 41.7° is yellow plus a little bit of orange and red, etc. The end result is that the colours in a rainbow tend to blur together and wash each other out.”

“Unlike the spread of colours created by a prism, the spread of colours created by a spherical raindrop is not a pure spectrum.”

“A prism and a raindrop are in principle very similar. They both spread white light out into a span of colours through refraction. The main difference though is that a prism has flat surfaces, leading to a pure spectrum, while a raindrop has a round surface, leading to an impure spectrum.”

That’s why a spectrograph contains prisms to disperse the different wavelengths, without any admixture.

One consequence of the dispersion of wavelengths by (mostly) spherical raindrops [30,31] is that the sky below the rainbow at an angle lower than 40.6° is fairly bright: a little bit of all the colours add up to produce white.

This brightness below the bow is discussed by John Hardwick [32]: Some of the light scattered by the raindrops can, however, reach the observer from below the rainbow, which is therefore brighter than the area above it – but, of course, not nearly as bright as the rainbow itself.

Fogbows and dewbows:

If water droplets are too fine, you get fog, and there is a fogbow.  But, like the fog, it’s white, since the droplet size is so small [16,33].

Droplets in fog typically range from 5 to 15 microns [34].

However, there’s another wrinkle: the dewbow [32]:

A dew-bow is created when light re­fracts from water droplets located on a horizontal plane, such as the grass of a golf course. As with a standard rainbow, the observer can be pictured as standing at the vertex of a cone and receiving the rainbow light from angles along the cone’s surface. The observer interprets the shape of the light source as the cross-section that is cut through the cone by the plane containing the droplets. So if sunlight strikes the plane at a very shallow angle, for example in early morning, the dew-bow has a hyperbolic shape. Later in the day, if the droplets are still present, the dew-bow will become an ellipse.”

Hardwick [32], asks: if dew is so common, why are dewbows so rare? He explains: “But I do not think that the density of dewdrops plays the key role. Dew-bows probably form only when spherical water drop­lets are present. As with a standard rainbow, this allows sunrays to be internally reflected from the back of the drops. How­ever, experiments with a blade of grass suggest that most drops of water attached to grass are not spheres but hemispheres. Internal reflection would therefore not be poss­ible for the range of angles needed for a complete hyperbola to be seen.”

The moral of the story: Size matters…but so does shape.

Possibly, not as much as size, though?

And, experience with higher order bows, indicates that the size distribution also matters (the traditional Marshall-Palmer or the more recent Ulbrich) [35].

Alexander’s (dark) band [26]:

“The area between the primary and secondary bows is noticeably darker than the surrounding sky. Called “Alexander’s dark band”, it is named for the Greek sage Alexander of Aphrodisias, who described it in his chronicles in the early 3rd Century. This geometric band is an area devoid of rays which have passed through water drops.”

Rainbow capital of the world and the effect of global warming:

But the rainbow capital of the world is Hawaii, according to a recent study [36]. There might be a smidgin of doubt because the claimant is a denizen of Hawaii; but he wouldn’t mislead us, for ulterior motives? The paper cites meteorological and topographical factors that give Hawaii its edge (monsoons, mountains).  Another paper from Hawaii examines the influence of climate change on rainbows.

Global warming means less snow and more rain in the Northern Latitudes, increasing the likelihood of rainbows. Regions with lower rainfall – like the Mediterranean – will not get any advantage, However, on average, any point on land on the globe, the number of rainbow days is estimated to increase by 5% by the year 2100 [37,38].

Newton (again!):

Anyway, it seems that in medieval times only 5 colours were recognised. Newton added two more…because that seemed to match his mystical Pythagorean beliefs? [39]. Although, nowadays, a slightly different set is usually used [17] – and anyway the number of colours is practically (and mathematically) infinite.

One more point: you can get rainbows in materials other than water drops e.g. in Newton’s prisms or in glass beads [40]. But apparently not in diamonds! Ken Ford [8] writes the condition: the refractive index should be less than 2 for the primary bow, and diamonds have n = 2.42! Consolation: this restriction applies to primary rainbows, not the higher-order ones, that are fainter.

12 types of rainbows:

Jean Louis Ricard proposed a scheme to classify rainbows, by examining ‘hundreds of pictures of primary bows’, into one of 12 types in a paper presented to the American Geophysical Union in Dec.2015 [41], which is, sadly, paywalled. Apart from the abstract, all I could access is an interview with Ricard [42] in which he says ‘four characteristics’ were examined: the primary bow, the secondary bow, the dark band of Alexander separating the two, and the additional supernumerary bows: whether all colours are visible, whether there is a strong Alexander’s band, and whether there are supernumerary bows. The single most important factor affecting the rainbow’s appearance was the height of the sun in the sky. The less important factor was the size of the droplets: "wider drops made rainbows less vivid, with more widely spaced hues.”

To end: the above discussion only scratches the surface. You can get a much more complete coverage by checking out the references – which are anyway, a small fraction of the total available on the internet. ‘Conjuring a rainbow’ gives practical tips for spotting rainbows [43]. If you want to delve into the maths of rainbows, try Adam for starters [44].

Angular width of rainbows and the critical angle:

About the angular width of the primary rainbow, Adam [44b], gives the theoretical value as 1.7° (from 40.6° to 42.3°), but adds that one must add 0.5° to this width, to take into account the lack of parallelism of the Sun’s rays due to its finite size (as seen by an observer on the ground). Volpi [9] states that the primary bow is between about 38.72° and 42.86°, from the antisolar point. The upper value (for red) agrees with the estimates of others, but the lower one (for violet) does not. It is probably a misprint.

However, a different point relates to the critical angle θ, defined by:

sin(θ) = 1/n, where n is the refractive index of the water droplet.  

“The critical angle for water (which would apply to raindrops) is 48 degrees (relative to the normal). Therefore, if light strikes the back of a raindrop at an angle greater than 48 degrees, it will be reflected back. If the angle is smaller than 48 degrees, the light will simply pass on through [57]. Since only one colour of light is observed from each raindrop, an incredible number of raindrops is required to produce the magnificent spectrum of colours that are characteristic of a rainbow [57].”

This argument is interesting but it ignores 3 things:

i)                    the refractive index of water varies with wavelength from violet to red so the critical angle varies from: 48° (V) to 48.7° (R).

ii)                    the finite diameter of the solar disk of 0.5° mentioned above.

iii)                 The amount of sunlight incident on the drop is as high as 1018 photons per second per cm2.

If one incorporates these factors, the ray diagram looks a bit more like Fig.7b, than that used by [57] that shows a single ray for each colour being reflected by the back surface of the raindrop in Fig.8:


If you still need something more or different, you could try the other references [45 - 55]. Ref.45 discusses 12 kinds of rainbows (like ref.42). Ref.49 suggests the best rainbow locations, including Hawaii, but also the waterfalls (Niagara, Victoria, Iguazu etc). Yosemite wasn’t included!

The eye of the beholder:

The article [51] by Sara Chodosh is entitled: “Rainbows are (literally) in the eye of the beholder”. According to the physics [56], someone standing right next to you sees a different rainbow than you do, since the reflected rays from a different set of raindrops are just at the right angles to reach their eyes, to the set of rays that reach yours.

However, Chodosh makes a different point: some people are colour blind, some are normal trichromats and others are tetrachromats (who can see more colours than trichromats). Most mammals are trichromats, but dogs see fewer colours than we do. On the other hand, the mantis shrimp sees thousands. Bees see ultraviolet light. And even amongst trichromats, the exact distribution of cones is different; the neural circuits that process vision also differ. So, we all see different rainbows… for different reasons.

The longest-lasting rainbow:

Most rainbows last for about an hour. But Ref.54 is a confirmed Guinness Record for the longest lasting rainbow, seen in Taipei (Taiwan) for almost 9 hours in Nov.2017! The previous record holder was 6 hours long in Yorkshire. The Yorkshire rainbow was from 09:00 to 15:00 on 14th Mar.1994 [47].

Their observations, pictures and video recordings showed the rainbow lasted from 06:57 until 15:55 – totalling eight hours and 58 minutes.” [47].



The question may recur: what happened to the rainbow moratorium? The answer is clear: the rainbow was in the Yangmingshan mountains of Taiwan. Other factors that helped produce the record: the north-east monsoon traps plenty of moisture in the air and the winds were slow and steady (2-5 m/s) [55]. The video is available in many sites (including [55]).

















8.       Ken Ford, Libretext


9.       Federica Volpi:


10.   Oikofuge:,%C2%BA%20for%20the%20primary%20rainbow.



11.       Rachael Funnell:












16.   Ryomoto:






19.   Hüseyin Gazi Topdemir, “Kamal Al-Din Al-Farisi’s explanation of the rainbow” Humanity & Social Sciences Journal 2 (1): 75-85, 2007


20.   Roland Stull:


21.   Marcus Selmke and Sarah Selmke , “Revisiting the round-bottom glass flask rainbow experiment ” Am.J.Phys. Dec.2016).


22.   Shreya Mishra:





24.   Michael Grossmann et al “Photographic evidence for third-order rainbow” Applied Optics (Oct.2011) DOI: 10.1364/AO.50.00F134




26.   Federica Volpi:






29.  Lock, J. A., & Können, G. P. (2017). “Rainbows by elliptically deformed drops: Möbius shift for high-order rainbows.” Applied Optics, 56(19), G88-G9




       31.  Chris Baird:

      32.      John Hardwick:


34.   Remko Uijlenhoet Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 5  (2001)615




36.   Steven Businger, “The secrets of the best rainbows on Earth “, Bulletin of American Meteorological Society (Feb.2021)





38.   Kimberly M.Carlson et al ,” Global rainbow distribution under current and future climates” Global Environmental Change 77 (2022) 102604


39.   Len Fisher, “Music inspired Newton’s rainbow” (Nature 520(2015) 436)













44.   a) John A.Adam “An example of Nature’s mathematics: The Rainbow”  “ Digital Commons Virginia Mathematics Teacher vol. 44, no. 1 19

















51.   Sara Chodosh:






54.   Jason Daley:


55.   Cindy Sui:









21st June 2024: moratorium time vs latitude


Start time

End time

Duration (hrs & mins)




5 hrs 46 mins




6 hrs 28 mins




6 hrs 49 mins




7 hrs 10 mins




7 hrs 12 mins




7 hrs 14 mins




6 hrs




3 hrs 36 mins



Moratorium time vs latitude: 9th Apr.2024


Start time

End time

Duration (hrs & mins)




6 hrs 20 mins




6 hrs 26 mins




6 hrs 25 mins




6 hrs 5 mins




5 hrs 4 mins




3 hrs 41 mins




1 hr 30 mins


  April 8th 2024: Delhi latitude: 28.7 Longitude: 77.1

Dawn: 5:40                                                                               Sunset: 18:42

Sunrise: 6:04                                                                             Dusk: 19:06

Plot elevation vs time





















































Ryomoto’s [58] summary of how the rainbow changes as the droplet size changes:

Diameter of water drop

Features of the Rainbow

~ 1-2mm

The violet is very bright and the green is vivid. The rainbow contains pure red, but barely any blue. There are many spurious bows, violet-pink alternating with green without interruption into the primary bow.

~ 0.5mm

The red is significantly weaker. There are fewer supernumerary bows, violet-pink and green are again alternating.

~ 0.2-0.3mm

There is no more red. The bow is broad and well developed for the rest of the colours. The supernumerary bows become more yellow. If the diameter of the drops is around 0.2mm, a gap occurs between the supernumerary bows. If the diameter is less than 0.2mm, a gap is formed between the primary bow and the first supernumerary bow.

~ 0.08-0.1mm

The bow is broader and paler, the only vivid colour is violet. The first supernumerary bow is well seperated from the primary bow and visibly shows tints of white.

~ 0.06

A distinct white stripe is contained in the primary bow.

< 0.05mm

White Rainbows: Fogbows, Mistbows, Cloudbows











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